My name is Enow CYRAC. I was an Ambazonia child soldier for 2 years, at Alabukam ADF camp.

I am now 17 years old. I was rescued by Cameroon military (National security agenst from SEMIL) with assistance from #MKPD. They convinced me to drop my guns.

They sent me 40,000 frs to make travel documents, and pay a bus out of Bamenda. I didn’t believe that it was real, until someone came to pick me from the travel agency. I thought he was going to kill me.

But he took me to a hotel to bathe, and then he gave me food, and took me to the shops. He bought me a small phone, some clothes, shoes, and then asked me a few questions on camera. I told him that I have no family. So he said.. “don’t worry, kontri pipo will adopted you”.

There is more to my story… Stay tuned.


Mobile Money to support me is *678126458* The Name on the Mobile money is *Enow S.*

I will dedicate my time and any donations to also help other Amba Boys to drop their guns and come out of the Bush.

Thank you very much.

Ps: The money will be used to help other Ex-Combatants with their mission to de-radicalise and disarm the rest of the Amba boys still in the Bush.

The money will be controlled by Kontri Pipo, to make sure it is used for the purpose it is intended for.

Kontri Pipo will also be accountable for ALL donations, and since i dropped my guns, Kontri Pipo have paid for my transport, hotel and feeding and phone and medical anyways, and they will continue to do so.

We just need this extra money to intensify our efforts to remove all Amba fighters from the Bush.

By KumKum Massa

Born and bred in Momo, NW Region of #Cameroon 🇨🇲.. Travelled the world. Victim of Ambazonia terrorism. Ambazonia Terrorism MUST be destroyed by ANY MEANS NECESSARY.