1 Hassan Nchim of Kwanso, Male adult
2 Jackline Yaah-Fai of Kwanso, Jakiri, Female adult in her 50’s
3 Souley Lukong, of Kwanso, Male adult
4. Souley Lukong of Kwanso, Male adult
5 Assana Yunir

6 Fai Johannes of Limbo, Male adult
7 Pa Charles of Limbo, Runs a bar at market square limbo, Male adult
8 Ngong Usheni of Limbo, From Kumbo, Male adult
9 Yaya Modigo of Mensai, Male adult
10 Pa Etienne of Mensai, Male adult
11 Shufai Waikov of Vekovi, Male adult
12 Fai Kuoji of Vekovi, Male adult
13 Fai Matti of Vekovi, Male adult
14 Fai Ngoo of Vekovi, Male adult
15 Fai Mbiim of Shiy, Male adult
16 Peter of Vekovi, he’s From Ber sandpit, Male adult

17 Eric Fonyuy alias Taa Foo, Tel 666194530, from Ber, Former location: Ya-ai Ndop. Male adult
18 Mohammed, who runs a petty trading store in a house located on the right side from Wasi market towards ya-ai ndop. He’s from Wasi/Ber. He’s a Male adult
19 Derick, alias BIR, lives Opposite Mohammed. Lives in a house partly roofed with old and new zinc sheets, Ber, Male adult
20. Franlin, alias General One Love, Tel 666429088. Lives directly opposite Emma, the bike repairer. Used to live in Ber, Male adult
21 Elvis, alias General Express, Runs an off license after Carrefour Ya-ai Ndop towards Bangourain road. Male adult
22 Nyuyki Cyprian, Tel: 679773413 lives in NKAR, From Noi Male adult
23 Kinyuy Zakari c/o Mosque Noi Tel: 651047980/675738996, from Noi, Male adult
24 Augustine c/o Kinyuy Zakari from Noi, owned a bike with inscription “Stop Evil”, From Jakiri, Male adult
25 Shey Alarm, from Jakiri, just after grandstand, Jakiri, 1st entrance to the right; palmwine bar, Male adult
26 Civilian Capo from Ber, Sells illicit fuel at Carrefour Ber, Male adult
27 Frank Denis, tel: 674040940, from Jakiri, a Bike rider plying Jakiri-Nyaan (Nkar)-Kumbo. Male adult
28 Fai Njem, Resident at Waikov-Vekovi, Male adult
29 Ashawa, from Vekovi squares, Male adult
30 Shufai Kom, a Blacksmith at Waikov, Male adult
31 Tomnyuy a.k.a “3 Star” Resides with Opere at Vekovi, from Kisenjam, Male adult.
32 Layuy, Now has fled to #Ndop in Ngoketunjia Division, Resides besides Agric post Vekovi. Male adult
33. Shey Ngenge, Njinkui/vekovi, resides after the health centre vekovi, Male adult
34. Yuyeh, Njinkui/Vekovi, Male adult
35. Nformi, Njinkui/Vekovi, Male adult
Signed on the Original by the DO of Jakiri, Andrew Monoke Epule.
Special security report on #Vekovi. By the DO of #Jakiri, Andrew Monoke Epule
Before the onset of the socio-political crisis which has entrenched the NorthWest and South West Regions, Vekovi, a locality in Jakiri Sub Division, reputed for its fertile soils and hardworking people, constituted the bread basket of jakiri Sub Division. The production of Irish potatoes was the mainstay and pastoral activity was at an interesting climax prior to 2016.
With an estimated population of about 6648 inhabitants, according to statistics obtained from the last general Housing and Population census of 2005, Vekovi stands as the largest rural agglomeration in the Sub Division.
Within the framework of the on-going cycles of unrest, witnessed in the Sub Division and beyond, Vekovi plays a pivotal role, both in terms of strategic outlook and her capacity to mobilize terrorist man-power in the sector.
Perhaps, owing to the geography and topography which gives undue favour to the hideouts of separatist camps; and their accessibility thereof, Vekovi has steadily gained the notoriety of a safe haven and a nursing ground for opposing armed separatist forces in the Sub Division.
Actually, Vekovi continues to receive important logistical support from a federation of separatist forces from neighbouring Ngoketunjia Division, and from sponsors both home and abroad.
It is therefore obvious that the strategic importance of Vekovi in the plans of amba terrorists operating in #Bui Division and in Ngoketunjia Division cannot be overemphasized. Speaking of which, geography and the active collaboration of the populations, who in their ignorance, still believe in the separatist ideology has made it difficult to infiltrate a consistent military operation on terrorist positions.
The long and contiguous chain of hills and valleys favour night-time movement of the terrorists from the mountain ranges into Sop-Kisenjam-Melim and back.
In this perspective, a collection of primitive terrorists, under the supervision of pseudo General “No Pity”, who originally hails from Bambalang in Ngoketunjia Division have leagued up with the local command under a certain Opere himself of Nso extraction, to exert attacks and kidnappings and instil a general climate of terror in Jakiri, against the civilian population.
According to intelligence obtained at good source, there is an increasing build-up of combatants in Vekovi whohave vowed to have their way, including the head of the Divisional Officer. They are also reported for this cause, to have substantial received financial incentives and a new gamut of weaponry including some primitive explosive devices. One of such explosives was tested on a BIR convoy en route to Bamenda, on the 09 April 2021, at Saarkong in Wainamah.
These actions and more to come; leave us with the following suggestions to hierarchy:
– Preparation of military expedition to Vekovi.. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx xxxx REDACTED INFO.
– Creation of a semi-permanent/permanent ministry unit in the locality which shall cover the sector including Wainamah-Kisenjam-Sob-Wvem-Kwanso.
It is also our place to underscore and recommend that the involvement of certain traditional title holders, identified as ring leaders in preparation of charms in Vekovi, be brought to book in the likes of :
– Shufai kom
– Shufai Waikov
– Shufai Njem
– Fai Kouji
– Fai Matti
– Fai Ngo
– Ashawa
– Yuyeh from njinkui
– Nformi njinkui
– SheyNgenge, after the health centre
Locationof camps: RAS, they now converge in small groups in private homes at Njinkui..
The good news is that Jakiri has seen a substantial decline of terrorist activity in 2021, compared to previous years. The frequency and number of attacks have reduced. The number of terrorists has drastically reduced, due to successful military operations leading to neutralisation as well as enemy infighting resulting in killings amongst themselves.
The Divisional Officer, Jakiri Subdivision
#MKPD input.
Mr Andrew Monoke Epule is the DO of Jakiri, Bui Division, NW region of #Cameroon. 🇨🇲 We wish to commend and congratulate him on his initiatives and brave leadership in the fight against #ambazoniaTerrorism in Cameroon.
#MashFire 🔥 🇨🇲
#WinningFatly 🇨🇲 💪🏾