PRESS RELEASE – The Senior Divisional Officer for #MEZAM, with grief, informs. public opinion that on Thursday, September 19, 2024 around 11:00am, a group of armed terrorists, who had taken refuge around the NKWEN market in #BAMENDA III Sub-Division, detonated an Improvised Explosive Device killing one person, Ms. CHUNG Juliet, a 30 years old lady, and wounding six (06) other civilians amongst whom was an eleven-month old baby. The victims, all females were shopping at the said market.

In these painful circumstances, the Senior Divisional Officer for MEZAM, on behalf of the Government expresses his heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family while extending his compassion as well as wishes of swift recovery to the wounded whose medical bills are all being footed, as usual, by the Government.
While vehemently condemning this barbaric act on unarmed civilians, the Administrative Authority calls on the population to remain calm as the Defense and Security Forces are on ground to track down and hand the authors of this heinous act to the competent Judicial Authorities.
Finally, the Senior Divisional Officer, once more, urges the population to actively collaborate with the Administrative Authorities and the Defense and Security Forces in order to fish-out these bands of lawless-and heartless criminals who constitute a major threat to social peace and tranquillity in the Division.
While Amba Terrorists (Anglophones) are busy destroying the Anglophone zone, the Cameroon Military is busy repairing schools, and helping Anglophone children to be able to access education safely. The anglophone children are afraid to go to school because of the threat posed by Ambazonia terrorists. Pictures Below.

Today is a sad day as Oku loses a daughter through amba terrorist improvised explosive device (IED) in Bamenda. Chung Juliet hails from from Mboh Oku and was doing petite business arround Nkwen Bamenda. May her soul rest in peace.