Amba terrorist Commander under Shit-No-Wipe-Lass #ambaTerrorist Lucifer in #Meme kumkumised by the 21 battalion in Meme today 15 November 2023 and some of the terrorists ran with small kumkum inside them. #MKPD 💪🏽 🇨🇲 – From all Indications, SNWL “FM LUCIFER” is Alive.

MashFire 🔥
WinningFatly 💪🏽 🇨🇲
Some people have been posting on Facebook that GenRat Lucifer has been kumkumised??? This info does not seem to be true. What I (MKPD) Posted is that ONE commander was kumkumised. The Kumkumised Commander was operating UNDER SNWL FM Lucifer.