#Mamfe and #Manyu, enroute to regain its rightful position as the bastion of EDUCATION for all again, under the most distinguished auspices of the SDO for Manyu, captioned “Manyu Unity Sports Walk” ostensibly designed to sensitize the entire population of Mamfe in particular, and #Manyu as a whole.

Back to school Campaign in #Mamfe, September 2024

Nothing but a total and successful SCHOOLS RESUMPTION in MAMFE/MANYU. It’s a soul touching move with the visionary and patriotic SDO for Manyu himself leading by example, flanked by the dynamic and efficient Lord Mayor of Mamfe Council. Mamfe is back! If you cannot run, walk and if you cannot walk, crawl. But one thing is certain, every child must go to School, this Academic Year 2024/2025.

Ayuk Takunchung John Former Mayor of Mamfe
Ayuk Takunchung John Former Mayor of Mamfe

We cannot afford to mortgage the future and wellbeing of our innocent children on the deadly and vicious altars of the stateless and devilish ambazonia movement again. As far as the SDO for Manyu, Mr Awounfac Alienou Yves Bertrand is concern, “Enough is enough”. Education is the greater light that must shine for all to see again. Education is the fundamental right of all children and that cannot be negotiated for anything.

No to ambazonia drugs, cultism, violence, kidnappings, painful killings, burning of hospitals, schools, churches, libraries, homes, villages, private and public properties. Ambazonia terrorists have done their worst, including burying God’s children alive like the chairman of PCC Nchang, Late Agbormbouh Priso, as well as the 6th Nov 2023 massacre at New Layout Egbekaw. These heinous massacres and countless other atrocities must be denounced and roundly condemned.

Mamfe Egbekaw Massacre by amba terrorists 06 Nov 2023
Mamfe Egbekaw Massacre by amba terrorists 06 Nov 2023

Education is the most sustainable Gold Mine. No child should become a beggar on top of his or her Gold Mine because of a dangerous, delicate, deceitful and destructive and retarded, failed no School policy of the evil and miscreant leaders and fighters of ambazonia movement. We cannot allow our community to be ruled by illiterates with guns.

Our Schools should be the most peaceful sanctuaries for learning and knowledge acquisition that will change the status of our children and equip them with powerful tools that will enable them to compete and succeed on the global stage.

Our Schools are not ambazonia failed barbaric battle ground. I plead that the strong and able should help poor and needy children with affordable Government PTA Levies, uniforms and books because a single book can change the life of a peasant child forever and for good.

3 Beheading of Animal Pikin Manyu - Snake bite Snake - Favourite Blackleg moment in 2021
The Beheading of Animal Pikin Manyu – Snake bite Snake – Favourite Blackleg moment in 2021

No School means high illiteracy rate and a greater numbers of School dropouts who eventually will become a problem to society in the future.

We are sick and tired of seeing young widows, parents and innocent children languishing in total despair on our streets and homes because their parents, friends, loved ones and breadwinners have tragically been killed.

The blood of innocent victims seek vengeance with accompanying curse upon succeeding generations of those who carry out these atrocities on our people, in the name of fighting for “freedom”! No to ambazonia!! Yes, to a successful School Year 2024/2025 for all children and teachers.

Written by Mayor Emeritus, Ayuk Takunchung John Snr. 05 September 2024

Edited by KontriPipo, #MKPD

UN cannot grant ambazonia independence Julius Fondong Guardian Post Daily 02 Sep 2024
UN cannot grant ambazonia independence Julius Fondong Guardian Post Daily 02 Sep 2024
The median Newspaper School resumptin 2024-09-03
Guardian Post on US embassy on Shcools
#ManyuMassacre - Amba Terrorists who killed dozens of civilians in Balin, Akwaya, Manyu, 26 June 2022
#ManyuMassacre – Amba Terrorists who killed dozens of civilians in Balin, Akwaya, Manyu, 26 June 2022

By KumKum Massa

Born and bred in Momo, NW Region of #Cameroon 🇨🇲.. Travelled the world. Victim of Ambazonia terrorism. Ambazonia Terrorism MUST be destroyed by ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

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