VICTIM OF AMBA TERRORISM – This is a compelling TRUE STORY. In January 2019, the victim messaged MKPD on WhatsApp with this victim testimony below.
My name is Atanga Wilfred. A trained professional Architect from The University of Texas who returned to Chomba, N.W region of Cameroon to prepare a retirement home and support in the development of my people.
On Sunday 9th September 2018, I went to get my Diplomas and apply for a job with the newly created department of Engineering and Architecture in the university of Bamenda.

As I drove home the streets of Chomba were relatively quiet. I drove passed the Presbyterian church, where church goers were already out and walking to their various homes. A few of them flagged my car and greeted. As I preceded to my home, I saw armed men at various locations and all around my house. While I was away, these bandits had simply moved into my home and were living there without my knowledge, let alone my permission.
When I came out of the car it immediately dawn on me that I had driven myself into trouble. I gathered courage and walked towards my back door and when I turned the door knob the door immediately opened without the use of a key. The door had been broken into.
The first person who jumped and came to me was my yardman and addressed me as patron. When I asked him why he had not been returning my calls he said he had phone problems. With so much tension around I related to him that I only came around to get some papers.
Running for my life.
I took the few papers I needed and left. I reached town around 5.30PM and on my phone I received a communiqué from the Governor stating that there is a new curfew starting on the same day from 6.00PM to 6.00AM.
I quickly took shelter in my hide out in town and the next day Monday 10th September 2018, serious Ghost town with the threat of vehicles being burnt and mobility closed to zero.
(Click on the Images below to enlarge) This is my Family home that was burnt down by the amba Armed Bandits, Property worth over 300 Million Frs CFA ($600,000 USD At the time in 2019)

On that same night the military launched an operation, targetting the terrorists that were hiding at my home in Chomba. The Operation lasted till the early hours of Tuesday morning. The Military killed many of the armed bandits. After the military left my home, the rest of the armed men who hid themselves in the bushes came out and burnt my home and caterpillars on the yard.
Amba Boys promised to kill me
The armed amba gang decreed my death, set out a manhunt for me and my family members. As if that was not enough, they proceeded to my late father’s home and set it ablaze. A day or two later I saw on social media the a video of my yard-man being brutally murdered by the amba boys. Video Provided below.
The interesting part here is that my yard-man, a Yaoundé man and older than me had already joined these team of armed bandits and was still taking his salary from my office. This was the most devastating thing of it all.
Prior to me going to Chomba on Sunday my office manager had informed me that the yard man came on Thursday got paid and related that he was going to Bafut.
When I was cross examined by the military on Tuesday morning of 11 Sep 2018, I explained to them that most of the Elites including myself had long left the village due to the mounting tension in the past few weeks. The military officers themselves were aware of amba boys ceasing of a priest’s vehicle, the ceasing and burning of a transportation vehicle at a burial occasion and leaving the mourners stranded in Chomba, etc.
I am grateful that the officers after all investigations were convinced that my home was occupied without my knowledge and they let me go. They were sympathetic and surprised that I lived in a community that made no effort to inform me of the occupation of my home by armed gangs.
At that time, a realization of the true society came to me, and I felt some pain which I still feel as more revelations get to me.
It hurts most when I got to know that those unknown people had taken over my home for more than a week and my village neighbors made no attempt to inform me. Some of these neighbors saw me and greeted me as I drove home (into trouble) on that faithful Sunday.
Since they had successfully drove my family members out of the village, they (villagers and the amred bandits) moved into looting and carrying away anything I ever owned. They looted from the unburned portions of the house and also from a parking store I maintained at my late father’s home.
Some of my stolen belongings were sold and purchased by the same villagers with whom I had lived. Some of the things are still hidden in various homes in the village to be sold later. My crops are now being harvested by the same village people I used to call neighbors. May the good God be our helper.
The attached pictures speak for themselves.. In financial Loss, the main Home that was Burnt is worth an estimated 300 million Frs, and the Caterpillar 950G construction equipment worth 120 Million Frs. MKPD, my brother, I am in so much pain. Words cannot express.
(Click on the Images below to enlarge) This is my Family home, my Father’s Home and my construction equipment that were burnt down by the amba Armed Bandits, Property worth over 420 Million Frs CFA ($840,000 USD At the time in 2019)

UPDATE 19 March 2019
The notorius amba terrorist “General” who is responsible for terrorising Chomba in the past few years was known as “General Five Star” aka Foolish man. He was killed by the military on 19 Oct 2024.

Below is the amba terrorist who is now responsible for terrorising Chomba.. “Colonel 50” of ADF, real name