One Ambazonia terrorist kumkumised and several injured in Lebialem, after the #SNWL tried to attack a military convoy.
The picture below shows an amba terrorist called “Black Bullet” who was kumkumised and Sent to Maryland yesterday the 14/05/2020. These fools reportedly belonging to the so-called red Dragons of LEBIALEM laid an ambush along the road MENJI- Alou yesterday. As the BIRs that arrived the point, three primitive IED explosive canons exploded.
Not a single military person was injured. The BIRs jumped out and chased the terrorised into the Bushes, killing one, and sending the rest into the bush with bullet wounds. One automatic pistolet, seventeen (17) primitive IED explosive canons and one walky talkie taken. Many Amba SNWL ran away with bullet wounds. Not even one soldier had a scratch.
This makes a total of 8 Ambazonia terrorists confirmed kumkumised in Lebialem in Just 1 week.
Drop the guns or die.
After the death of Ambazonia terrorist chief Foretia of Menji-lekeng, the Amba terrorists vowed to revenge his death LoL.. Since then, the idiots continue to follow the Disgraced Foretia to their early grave.