General Assam Lambert Ntui, (Black Mamba) of Manyu arrested a few days ago in Ikom, Nigeria. He will be repatriated to LRC just like they did to Sisiku AyukTabe and Nera 10.
The Nigerian government is taking a ZERO TOLLERANCE approach to amba fighters arrested in Nigeria. This is as a result of recent agitation from Biafra separatists. He will most certainly face terrorism charges in Cameroon.
Mark Bareta
June 27, 2021

This News is also confirmed by Capo Daniel of ADF.

An official statement from Capo Daniel (Ngond Emmanuel) the Deputy Defenmce Chief of ADF, reads..
General Black Mamba (Lambert) of Manyu was arrested by Nigerian authorities, and he will be sent to LRC very soon. All our Fighters in Ground One must be at ALERT! Nigeria is a Blackleg. They also sent Nera10 to Yaounde.
Capo Daniel (Ngond Emmanuel) the Deputy Defenmce Chief of ADF