General Wolf neutralised by the Bui Unity warriors, 16 April 2022. His real name Dzekashu Hans. He was under General Capo of Bui ADF brigade, and later left the group to concentrate on kidnapping for ransom, that’s why Capo Daniel ordered for him to be eliminated and the job was done yesterday. He was captured alive by the Unity warriors and taken from camp to camp before he was later killed.
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#KontriPipo can also confirm that at least three other additional amba boys were also killed during the attack by LRC at their village hideout called Mbah in Bui, about 8km from #Kumbo. This is the attack against general Capo’s camp, sanctioned by governor of NW, to retaliate against the murder of four Warders on 12 April 2022.

Theodore Kigha, Immaculate Kume’s brother was amongst the four warders captured, murdered and brutally beheaded by the Bui Unity warriors. The videos are on for those who want further clarification on this story.
Amba generals and colonels that have been killed, captured or surrendered as of 17 April 2022
A list of amba “Generals and Colonels” that have been killed since the start of the Armed conflict in 2017. This list is not exhaustive – And a majority of these “Generals were killed by other amba factions.
How do you defeat your declared enemy when you concentrate on doing the work of the enemy for them? The truth is, more amba fighters are killed by amba boys. So, is ambazonia a cursed country that is doomed to fail?

The amba boys have become barbaric cannibals that butcher humans and cut their heads off to cook and eat – Would you like to live next door with someone who eats humans? Even if we get the independence tomorrow, what should we do with the amba boys who have become beasts? Will you happily let an amba boy who eats human flesh to marry your daughter?
Ambazonia must seriously consider which direction they are heading to, before they all crash and burn. We (Mark Bareta included) have not been able to control ONE square inch of territory in 5 years. We have not been able to remove ONE LRC military installation in over 5 years. HERE IS THE TRUTH. WE ARE NOT WINNING! And if you say we are not winning, then the logical conclusion is that, WE ARE LOSING BIGLY.
One of the reason we are losing is because people have taken everything and turned it into a Joke.. Creating Governments without a country, Statehouse Buea, Washington DC, etc.. Is that not a bad joke? We do not control territory, but how many presidents do we have? (Too many to count). Diaspora raise money and EAT it abroad. Kidnapping for Ransoms.. Infighting..

How many Generals do we have? We do not have an army, yet we have 15 Field marshals and 100 generals. Is that not some kind of a Bad joke?
KontriPipo Exclusive
April 17th, 2022
General Opopo of SOCADEF
General Ayeke of Lebialem
General Spirito
General Hassan of Bui
Above the Law of Kumbo
General David of Teke
General Nanfang of Ngie (Momo)
General Mad Dog of Mankon
General Divine
General Chacha (Bui 39)
General Insobu (Bui 39)
Boss Acid of Bali
General Virus
Obi of Muyuka
Andrew of SOCADEF
Ivo Mbah of Matoh and Teke
Unknown Soldier of Bafanji
General Sebastien of Widikum (Momo)
General Commando – King of the forest of Momo
General Roma of Lebialem
General Cross and Die of mankon
General Koraman of Bali
General Shadow of Bakundu
General Ambrose of Lebialem (Captured)
General Ntui Lambert of Manyu (Captured in Nigeria)
General Basile of Meme
General Idi Amin Dada of Momo
General Amigo of Boyo
General A2 of Bui

General Ebube of Bui
General Biabia of Batibo (Momo)
General Nambere (Retired)
General Mombassa of Kossala Kumba
General Goddy Elangwe of Nake
Godfather of Muyuka
Apande Kingsley – Killed by amba
General Ikeku David of Ndian – Drowned
General Animal Pikin of Manyu – Killed by General Papi of Manyu
General Ashu
General Beltus of Fako
FM Vincent of Ndu
Fon Nginyam of Bui 39
General John Rambo of Bamusso
General Blink of Bambelle
General Fonchinnallah Vincent of Lebialem killed by General Ayekeh
General Stone of Ndop
General Denis of Bui – Captured
General Tebah of Widikum
General Fire of Mandankwe
General Soup of Batibo (Momo)
General Manu Tiger of Bui
General Tiger of Batibo (Momo)
General Tunde of Nkambe (Captured)
General One Bullet of Batibo (Momo)
Colonel Ebot Ebot of Manyu
Boss Menti of Etam
General Christian of Widikum
Generla Spoiler of Bafanji – Killed by General Unknown soldier of Bafanji
General Wolf of Bui, Killed by Unity warriors of Bui
General Wazuzu of Muyuka
General ShinaRambo of Belo
General King of Lebialem Red Dragons
General Onowu of Bamenda killed by LRC – 18 Apr 2022
Not Forgetting
General Water, Gen. Last Burial, Wicked Master of Balikumbat, Gen. Trouble of Ndop, Gen. Tiger of Bafut, Sumonguru of Ndu, General Bad Beef, General LandJet of Ekona, etc etc,