We want to know their names, their mothers, fathers, Wife’s name, children, their family compound, their girlfriends, their movements, their hideouts, and anyone who supports them financially. We need ANY information that will lead us to deliver effective kumkum to the terrorists. When we catch just ONE of these nkunyams, he will lead us to the REST.
03 Oct 2023

#Bamali, the only village in #NGOKETUNJIA that that celebrated 1st October 2023
The names of the ambas terrorists in this video are
1) Ambas terrorist “commander” Fokam Francis speaking. Fokam Francis is resident just beside the market near the palace. Kumkum will visit them soon.
2) The person in the traditional dress is Amba terrorist SAYE RENE. Their House is at Nkunlaw Quarter. He used to carry an AK47 with him. His elder brother is also an amba terrorist. Saye Rene’s terrorist brother is called Saye Bertrand, Popularly known as Bernajo.
3) The person dancing with the spear is Yeh Thierry. He resides beside G.S Mbetpaw #Bamali
4) The amba terrorist standing near the table is Nefeuwa Bashirou aka “Commander Rambo”. We will dig out all information about these terrorsts. They mothers, fathers, wives, all family members, and those providing aide and comfort to terrorists WILL be arrested and face the Law of INDIVISIBLE Cameroon.
5) The amba terrorist holding a gun and moving towards the dance group is “commander” Tantoh Leonard. We already know all his family details. They will be visited.
6) The amba terrorist sitting on the table in the middle is “geneRat Mungwe Isaac, not Ivo. He was the assistant of No Pity. After No Pity was kumkumised in Feb 2023, Mungwe Isaac returned to Bamali and overthrew Tantoh Leonard who was “geneRat” in Bamali. Isaac’s family compound is in Njiakwat Quarter. #Kumkum will visit very soon. We have already drawn the map.
7) The amba terrorist sitting beside him is Tiapeh Valentine resident at Tokop Quarter. Kumkum will be served very soon.
All of them are Bamali children. All of them also have wives and living in their houses, while they have driven other people out of their homes. NO REST FOR THE WICKED
No rest for the Wicked. No Appeasing Terrorists. If you see a terrorist, killam one time.
This info and higher resolution Images have been uploaded onto our website