The Fon of Nso is undoubtedly, one of the BIGGEST VICTIMS of Ambazonia Terrorism. His ordeal started right at the very beginning of amba terrorist insurrection and escalated at the peak of ambazonia terrorism in 2018.
The Nso tribe is located in the North West Reion of Cameroon, where the culture plays a very important part in the day to day lives of the people. A Fon is a Spiritual and cultural leader. The Fons are revered as the custodians of the culture, and held in high esteem. The Fon of Nso happens to be the head of one of the biggest and oldest such traditional dynasties in the North West Region of Cameroon.
His Royal Majesty (HRM) Sehm Mbinglo ascended to the throne in 1993 when The previous Fon of Nso, HRM Fon Fanka travelled to the ancestral realm. HRM Sehm Mbinglo was 39 years old when he inherited this honour and responsibility to lead the Nso tribe.
HRM Sehm Mbinglo, the Fon of Nso was kidnapped 3 times in 2018, within a matter of weeks. When the anglophone agitation turned deadly and misguided poorly educated youths carried guns and went into the bushes, many traditional rulers were targeted, some murdered, others fled for their lives, yet HRM The Fon of Nso remained with his people and refused to accept Cameroon military protection, because he believed that the armed youths in the bushes were his own children.
The Armed “Amba Boys” as they were fondly known throughout the anglophone zone, claimed to have been baptised with magic charms and potions in rituals known as Odeshi. Odeshi, with roots from Nigerian, is a belief in “Black Magic” and mysticism that include worshiping the devil and engaging in evil rituals that seek favours or spiritual protection from the dead. The “ambaBoys” consulted Odeshi doctors who provided “Spells and Charms” to protect the “ambaBoys” against gunshots and the poorly educated youths were made to believe that bullets could not penetrate their bodies. These Odeshi rituals gave the armed terrorists “a false sense of invincibility and belief that they were immortal”.
To their greatest shock, many of these poorly educated youths in Bui division who picked up guns were shot and killed by the military and their own colleagues, so they turned to blame the Fon of Nso, claiming that he had reversed their Odeshi powers, hence why bullets could penetrate them. And based on these baseless accusations, the poorly educated armed terrorists kidnapped the Fon of Nso several times and put him through torturous experiences in the bush. The kidnappers intended to force the Fon to make them “immortal again”.
The “ambaBoys” claimed that the Fon of Nso had buried two virgin girls as part of a secret ritual that took away their invincibility and thereby giving the advantage to the Cameroon military. And for this alleged “crime”, the armed terrorists retaliated by killing two Nso Princes who were both direct heirs to the Nso throne.
In Kumbo, Bui Division, on Friday 07 December 2018, two Nso Princes were murdered by Ambazonia Defense Forces (ADF), a Terrorist group under Cho Lucas Yabah, (Aka AYABA) resided in Norway. The order to murder these princes was given by Ndong Emmanuel Ngong, (aka Capo Daniel) who was the so-called Deputy Defence Chief (DDC) of the ADF, and resided in Hong Kong at the time. Ndong Emmanuel has since moved to Canada at the time this article was written in December 2024.
- Sidenote: On 24 September 2024, Cho Lucas Yabah, (Aka AYABA) born 11 August 1972, was arrested by KRIPOS in Norway and charged with inciting Crimes against Humanity in Cameroon. He faces 15 Years in Prison if Convicted. At the time of writing this article, Cho Lucas remains in custody, incommunicado, and is guaranteed to spend Christmas and New Year 2025 in Prison.
The Murdered princes were Fondzeyuf Collins Asonsaigha (Biological son of Fon Sehm Mbinglo) and Fanka Biya (Biological son of the Previous Fon of Nso, Fon Fanka). Fanka Biya left behind 4 small children. Fondzeyuf Collins’ wife was heavily pregnant at the time amba terrorists murdered him.
It must be stressed that many, if not the majority of Nso people celebrated the murder of these two innocent princes. It is important to understand the dynamic at play, in the anglophone zone. The armed terrorists in the anglophone zone were radicalised and sent to the bushes by these same anglophone villagers, and these terrorists are children of these villagers. This is a dynamic that makes it difficult for the people to denounce the wrong doings of their own children, especially because these villagers themselves are culpable to a great extent, they are to blame because they radicalised their own children provided them the information and, in some cases, the weapons, and the targets that were being killed were pointed out by these village people. Once the anglophones youths were radicalised to pick up guns, the armed terrorists became pawns and tools used through influence to settle scores, and generate personal political and financial gains through kidnappings, death threats, extortion and murders.
The two princes were murdered around the same time of the third kidnapping of The Fon of Nso. After he was released from Amba Terrorist captivity for the third time, he was admitted at Banso Baptist Hospital (BBH) to recover from the physical, psychological and emotional torture from his kidnappings.
Picture above. HRM Gilbert Njong lll Fon of Mbessa, HRH Sehm Mbinglo, Fon of Nso, HRM Kevin Tevih Yakum Fon of Bambalang
While at the hospital the amba terrorists kept threatening to go and finish him at the hospital. As the threats intensified, The Fon of Nso was forced to request Cameroon Military assistance and he was air-lifted by helicopter out of BBH to Bamenda and then to Bafoussam for medica treatment. He was later transferred to Yaoundé for further medical examinations and treatment, where he enjoyed safety and peace.
That is how the Fon of Nso left his Kingdom, in 2018. He literally ran for his life, because his own “children” almost murdered him, and succeeded to murder two of his sons.
Years passed, and many of the terrorists had been killed through infighting and by Cameroon military operations, so the Nso people started demanding the return of their ruler. Several people were sent to lobby the Fon to return to Nso land. In 2020, The Fon of Nso finally agreed to return home.
His eminence, Christian Cardinal Wiyghan Tumi, a 90 year old son of the soil accompanied the Fon, to provide support and confidence. They deliberately refused Cameroon Military protection, for fear that the presence of the military will give a “motive” for amba terrorist attacks, and in the understanding of the Fon, all those children with guns in the bushes are his children and they would not hurt him, at least not after the numerous emissaries that were sent to convince him to return. He (The Fon) accepted to return without military protection, to separate himself from politics.. THAT WAS A HUGE MISTAKE.
On 05 Nov 2020, as they travelled through Baba in #Ngoketunjia, amba terrorist GeneRAT Insobu (Under Samuel Sako Ikome who resides in the USA), kidnapped Cardinal Tumi and the Fon of Nso. They were humiliated, interrogated and threatened at gun point. The Cardinal was released a day later, but the trauma was enough to cause his death few months later. The ambazonia terrorists asked the Fon of Nso whether he stood for Federation, separation or One Cameroon, and The Fon of Nso was Categorical in his response. He paused for a few seconds, Sent his hand and grabbed his royal staff, he pined it to the ground and retorted “I AM FOR ONE CAMEROON”. The amba terrorists in the diaspora ordered for him to be murdered, but the armed terrorists were afraid of the consequences that would befall them if they murdered the Popular Fon of Nso. Six days after he was kidnapped, The Fon of Nso was released, and he returned to Yaoundé for safety in the Francophone zone.
The Fon of Nso is an example of Anglophone traditional ruler, like many others (Such as the Fon of Guzang in Momo, and The Fon of Bambalang in Ngoketunjia) who were being kidnapped, tortured and molested and given death threats by anglophone secessionists who claimed to be fighting for the anglophones. These terrorists also claimed that the francophones were the enemies.
As soon as the anglophone “Liberators” picked up primitive weapons against the state, they turned the weapons against themselves and against their own communities. They went about torturing anglophones, forcing about a million Anglophones to be internally displaced, of which over 800,000 of the displaced people were running to the Francophone zone to seek safety and refuge. Let that irony sink in.
As you can see, this is just one of Millions of stories where anglophone “Liberators” turned their weapons against the same people they claimed to be fighting for. This is by no means an isolated case – This is the story of ALL anglophone traditional rulers, elites, and business people, they were ALL targeted by the armed terrorists calling themselves “liberators”.
Of course, the Fon of Bambalang, HRM Fon Kevin Yakum Teuvih Shomitang, is also one of those who has suffered terribly at the hands of Ambazonia Terrorists. On 08 Dec 2021, The Fon of Bambalang was kidnapped by Amba terrorist Mbashie Clement, aka “General No Pity” of “Marine force of Bambalang”. He was liberated on 01 Jun 2023 by Cameroon Military after spending almost 18 months in captivity. In Time, we will get to write his story for posterity.
Ngong Emmanuel Ndong – aka Capo Daniel Inciting Crimes against Humanity, directing terrorists to Murder HRM The Fon of Nso, a Traditional Ruler from Bui Division, NW Region.
Ndong Emmanuel, aka Capo Daniel Threatening the Life of the Fon Angwafo of Mankon, Bamenda, NW Region,
#Batibo, #Momo. On 02 November, 2024, Ambassador Lamora had the honor of being received by H.R.H. Fon Gwan Mbanyamsig III, the traditional ruler of #Guzang in the Northwest Region, along with cultural leaders among the women of Guzang, at the Fon’s temporary residence on the outskirts of Yaoundé.
Addressing the gathering, the Ambassador emphasized the U.S. Government’s ongoing efforts to support Cameroon and Cameroonians in resolving the ongoing crisis in the Northwest and Southwest regions , so that everyone displaced by the situation may return home, and all the people of the Northwest and Southwest can once again live in peace.
The whole world has understood that anglophones are running away from their homes because of ambazonia terrorism. And anglophones displaced are welcomed by our Francophone brothers with open arms. We Anglophones live and enjoy peace in Francophone zones while our own people, the amba terrorists chase us away and issue death threats, beheading, murders etc. This is the message the world has come to understand about the anglophone crisis..
And the same nkunyams expect the international community to come to their assistance.