#MKPD – GeneRat Tanimu of Sabongari Nwa Kumkumised along with FIVE of his terrorists. The carcass was displayed in PUBLIC – The population is in total Jubilation. SWEET NEWS. Kumkum is Free.
If we Kumkumise just one terrorist a day, that will be 365 in one Year. We have ALL the time in the world. In 10 years, that will be 365×10 = 3,650 Terrorists kumkumised.. Remember, they do not number up to 2,000 in the bush, and they have no ability to recruit new gullible anglophone youths to pick up guns.. So it is only a matter of time before we FINISH them.. That is why they are desperately begging for Dialogue or negotiation. Haha.
UPDATE: 12 Nov 2023 – It is actually SIX terrorists that were kumkumised, not three. GeneRat Tanimu was kumkumised, and Carcass displayed PUBLICLY 11 Nov 2023. From an eyewitness in #Sabongari, #Nwa sub division. The news coming from Nguri where those amba terrorists were killed yesterday is that SIX were kumkumised and not three as previously reported. The population is actually in jubilation.. #MKPD

SNWL Terrorist GeneRat Tanimu of Sabongari, Nwa, Kumkumised – Before and After