GeneRAT Lion, Terrorist black and “Commander Slow” were all kumkumised yesterday 09 Feb 2025 in a village called Nkang in #Wum, #Menchum. Click on the link to see more pictures that we can’t publish on Facebook.

kumkum is free

Ambazonia disunity. These are just some of the dozens of mushroom groups created by anglophones to seek for relevance – 8 years later, what have they achieved? Remember The Multiple conclaves in Nigeria, Conclaves 1, 2, 3, and 4.. What was the result? Zaria meetings in Nigeria. SCAPAC, SCACUFF, APLM of Akwanga, IG Care of Yerima and AyukeTabe, FRA, ASC, IPOA, APLC, PRAP, ALM, ROA, Consortium, SCITH, Governing Council, Transitional Authority, Team ACT, IG1, IG2, IG3, IG4, APNC, MORISC, SCAFF, to name but a few.. What did they do to add value to your life?

UPDATED – at 10AM 09 Feb 2025
Hello #MKPD. I saw the post on the kumkumization of GeneRAT Lion. His real name was Dom, from Mekaf Village. “Commander Slow” and one other was also kumkumised at #Nkang Village which is in Fungom Subdivision. Those are remnants of the camp belonging to the so-called GeneRAT Robosco of Koshin. (Robosco was Kumkumised 17 Aug 2024).
When Robosco was wiped out, Dom alias GeneRAT Lion and the rest ran from Koshin to Nkang where they thought they were safer because of a hanging bridge that connects that area. The general understanding was that strangers fear crossing the hanging bridge. It was too risky.

Little did the illiterate smelly idiots know that it is dry season and that the Military are professionals and will move mountains and can always make their way through. I am from that area and I can vividly describe the zone for you. From Yemnge, Fungom where “Commander Jump over” was kumkumised, you pass through Kung, to Abaar, Koshin, Mashi and then Nkang. Though these villages fall under Menchum with headquarters in Wum, the Subdivision that hosts them is Fungom with headquarters in #Zhoa.
Small Small the smelly terrorists will be eradicated and we will get peace and serenity once again, just lie 2015. You may want to modify your post to make it more explicit which is why I deemed it necessary to update you privately. The best news as you always say, is that, they cannot recruit any more youths to join this madness. I am from that area, and can testify that their numbers are very very very few, and they are reducing everyday, even the village fools know that “amba na bad news”. No one wants to join that nonsense and lose their lives like chicken around christmas.
Stay blessed Bro.