Amba terrorist “geneRat Cobra” of ADF Bamenda, was kumkumised in Kendem, in #Manyu on 16 Oct 2023. After a turbulent time in Bamenda, he was captured by other amba terrorists in Alabukam, tortured and demoted, and he ran to #Batibo where Big Number Efang received him.

After the #Guzang Public executions on 04 Oct 2023, Big Number Efang and his gang RAN into Manyu to hide, as the population of Guzang was building momentum to drive out ALL amba terrorists. This is why they banned the Guzang Market to punish the people for revolting against the terrorists.
Anyways, as the terrorists entered Manyu, they saw a gendarmarie brigade as a soft target, and tried to attack it on 16 Oct 2023. ONLY 3 gendarmes were able to fight off this ADF terrorists that came in their numbers of Over 30 terrorists, and yet they could not defeat 3 Gendarmes – In the end, the terrorists RAN away.

The Gendarmes Called for backup and a mixed contingent of the BIR and Gendarmes pursued the terrorists into the bush, follwong their foottracks and confirmed 6 of the terrorists were Kumkumised, including this noisemaker who called himself “Generat Cobra”. Weapons and ammunition were also recovered.
Not a single gallant Cameroon soldier was injyred in the encounter. Make story no swet pass this one.
We will NEVER appease terrorists. The solution is to continue to serve them FREE kumkum, untill they ALL surrender, or sit at the table in Canada for Pre-talks to negotiate their Surrender.