In 2019, at the PEAK of ambazonia terrorist STUPIDITY, they declared 2 WEEKS LOCKDOWN in a desperate and failed attempt to disrupt Youth Day (11 February) Celebration. In the very first week of the Lockdown, 05 Feb 2019, the BIR (Anti-virus) kumkumised GeneRAT Virus and a bunch of other terrorists who were trying to disrupt people’s lives, by blocking roads etc.

Today is 08 Feb 2025, and the amba Terrorists have no capability to declare lockdowns anymore.. as a matter of fact, they are scared to declare lockdown because of the anger and visceral reaction that the anglophone civilian populations have when that nonsense Lockdown is declared.
The prolonged Lockdowns have destroyed the economic activities of anglophones, rendered them desperate and destitute, caused untold suffering and untimely deaths amongst anglophones, and forced over 1 million anglophones to be displaced. Over 80% of the displaced have instead moved into the Francophone zones where they feel safer amongst Francophones.
In 2018/2019, at the Peak of ambazonia Terrorism, there were about 23,000 amba terrorists in the bush. Using blatant juvenile lies, manipulations, misinformation and fake news, anglophones were able to radicalise their own gullible youths to pick up primitive weapons and go to the bush in a self-destruction enterprise. In Lebialem alone, the so-called Red Dragons of Lebialem had over 1,000 armed terrorists under one command of Oliver Lekeaka and Chris Anu. There were even more terrorists in groupings inside Momo Division, Bui, Mezam and Ngoketunjia, Manyu etc. For exampls, we heard of the Vipers, the Tigers, the Momo Marines, the Marine Force of Bambalang, etc etc.

Also, the vast majority of anglophone civilians were in OPEN support of the armed terrorists. Back in 2019, the anglophones were misguided in their wrong beliefs that the amba terrorists were there to protect their best interests.
As the Madness prolonged through 2021, 2023, etc, the atrocities and activities of the amba terrorists had a massive negative impact on the anglophone civilians, from forceful school boycotts, long ghost towns and lockdowns, “Garri-process”, Economic sabotage, make your territory ungovernable, and of course, targeting #BlackLegs and kidnapping anglophones for ransoms. Thousands of anglophones murdered by the amba terrorists.. Slowly, anglophone people concluded that the armed amba terrorists are out to destroy them, so the civilians started BEGGING the Cameroon military to help eliminate the terrorists. Populations started rising up against the amba terrorists.

Now in February 2025, there are less than 3,000 amba terrorists left in the bushes. For example, the “red dragons” of Lebialem has been decimated, Oliver Lekeaka kumkumised. Peace and Normalcy is returning to VAST chunks of the anglophone zone.. Many of the terrorists have been killed, many of them killed by their own amba vs amba infighting (Guzang and Bui massacres are just two examples).
They haven’t declared 2 weeks lockdown this year because they do not have anyone to try to enforce it, we have killed most of the bandits and also because the lockdowns punish the civilian populations, and the so-called Lockdowns will generate more BlackLegs. So they cowards are afraid to declare Lockdowns these days. Haha.
Gone are those days we used to hear of the so-called Supreme General of ADF (“general” Ivo Mbah killed in Dec 2018, “general” Efang killed in Jan 2024, “general” Popo killed Oct 2024). FM No pity killed in Feb 2023. Ayeke, Transporter, Insobu, Chacha, Cross and Die, Omega, Spirito, Ikeku, 10Kobo, Lucyfer, Mbola, Christian, CP, Witch Bird, Andrew, Ashu, Mombassa, Poison, BlackBat, Commando, Zokora, Robosco, etc etc.. These used to be well known amba self-styled generals, but today, they are all manure… Hundreds of them, killed.
Other Terrorists have been injured and the rest escaped to Nigeria and Francophone zone. Thousands have surrendered and joined the DDR centres.
The amba Lies, manipulation and radicalisation does not work anymore. The manipulators have no ability to convince ONE anglophone youth to pick up weapons.
The few remaining drug addicts will be systematically wiped out. The anti-virus is working, and this amba disease will be eradicated, it is only a matter of time.
To make matters worse for the anglophone “separatist” terrorists abroad, they are being arrested and locked up one by one. Lucas Cho Yabah aka Ayaba was Arrested in Norway and held on Charges of inciting Crimes against Humanity. Ngang Edith and 12 others have been arrested and locked in the USA for various charges including terrorism and collecting ransom demand.
Faced with this realty, now you can understand why they are desperately begging for “dialogue and negotiation” because of the impending total annihilation.
#MKPD – 08 Feb 2025