#ambaTerrorist #SNWL “general blink” was kumkumised on 11 Apr 2021 in #Bambelle, Tombel, Koupe Muanengouba Division, SW region #Cameroon 🇨🇲. DDR is a Choice. #Kumkum is Free. I hope AmbaFools abroad will give his family the 50 Million #ambaCoins they were promised.. Hahahahaha 🤣 #ComedyTerrorism. 🤣

Everyday, we kumkumise them, and everyday, some are running to the DDR center, meanwhile #ambaFools abroad cannot convince ONE new Gullible youth to pick up dane guns..
So what does that tell you? Haha – it is only a matter of time –
#MKPD 🇨🇲 💪🏾
#MashFire 🔥
#WinningFatly 💪🏾 🇨🇲
The picture of his corpse was shared on WhatsApp only, for obvious reasons.. 😂 We post information with evidence 💪🏾 🇨🇲 😋