MKPD> Reports coming in.. The population are fed up of the attrocities, and are now actively catching amba boys and giveng them excess KumKum.. It is sad that the local Population do not know the right dosage of KumKum.. So they gave overdose, and the Amba Terrorist went to sleep… (I mean he was sent to BUEA) as you can see from the pictures below..
The main camp in Nkort has finally been destroyed early this morning by Fulani refugees returning from Nigeria to recover their property seized by the Amba Terrorists.

The self-defense group entered through Nwa subdivision FOUR (4) days ago and destroyed three camps. Nkourt is the fourth camp. They have burnt down the camp. Details will come as I receive them..

Honour report to you.. on 07/04/2019 Ambazonia terrorists in Ntamru and Ntayir burnt down three homes of Fulani grazers. A meeting between DO of Ndu and Company Commander of BIR was going on as incident happened today 8th April 2019 in the morning..
Terrorists mobilised again to burn down more homes at Ntayir (precisely at Njipngir). Grazers fought back and dispersed the terrorists wounding many and capturing one of them alive. As the BIR moved to the area, Amba terrorists lead by the subchief of Mfuh mobilised and launched an attack to rescue the captive. Grazers once more dispersed them capturing the subchief in action.
BIR on it’s way to the site. THE END
The people have said Enough is Enough. Wuna go Swallow KumKum without Soup.. Idiots!