MKPD> This is Eric Tataw – He was on Facebook live on Friday 22 Mar 2019 – He had to dish out some dirt on Tapang Ivo, because aparently, Tapang was making him too angry.. The drama is very entertaining.. wuna listen..

So.. These are the same FOOLS that want to be “leaders” of “Ambazonia” Tomorrow.. Nonentitles, idiots, and juvenile numbskulls.

Eric Tataw wrote... Ayaba Is Now A Complete Clown!!! You can be a member of the A Gang of Criminals (AGC), but trust me, these guys are Fake. What's the meaning of doing a video at the Airport??? This is so pathetic!!! Ayaba can be good but he's too egocentric added to the fact that he's wrapped by very dull and bad guys. My name is Eric Tataw, I would flatten them. Ask them which diplomats would take you seriously if they see you posting a picture in an airport while traveling to meet them??? 25years in the struggle like Biya's 36 years with a despoiled Cameroon of destitution, prostitution and spokesmen who worked illegally at Papa John's Pizza at 2668 Monterey Rd, San Jose, CA 9511. Take the date on Friday March 22 at exactly 5PM Amba Time for a Special Facebook Live. I would deal with these ADF Thieves; enablers of kidnapping... The truth is that Ayaba can be good but because of ego and bad guys, he's bad and so, he isn't needed and that's why God brought me in!!! Eric Tataw, Wednesday March 20, 2019.

So Yannick Sicot took to Facebook to send a response to Eric Tataw – LoooL
My response to Eric for recording my voice without my permission.
Just for the records. I wasn't in any LIVE show with ERIC today. What you should know is that, Eric recorded our private conversation without my knowledge or my permission and played it during his live show which was highly watched. What Eric did to my personality by putting up a conversation b/w him (Eric) and I (Yannick) was illegal and punishable by US state Law. If sued, Eric could face up to (6 months imprisonment).
I was ignorance of his intentions except for the fact that he sent photos and video of Tapang in a said pizza restaurant located in XXX city. After I told Eric that i was going to forward the video and photos he sent to me to Tapang for verifications, Eric immediately deleted the photos and video from our WhatsApp chat.
From the audio he played during his show, some people thought he was having a live call with Yannick during his show, whereas, it was a recorded conversation he played, and he did so (recorded our conversation) without my knowledge/permission.
You all could hear from the audio as I, Yannick, clearly asked Eric not to worry about Tapang or post anything that has to do with Tapang bcs Tapang is still our brother, that he (Eric) should focused on our revolution and I will talk with Tapang.
No idea that I was being recorded on another line. Well, for those who listened to the audio, was I speaking for Tapang or Against Tapang?, all what I did was to save our revolution. Eric is a good guy, don't get me wrong! But I don't think what he did was right.
Eric! Except to hear from my Attorney anytym soon. Since we all have decided to go this route. I don't play around like others when it comes to my legal rights in this country.
Dear comrades, stay focused! This our revolution is bigger than any activist or leader. I have been in a very deplorable position ever since we started having all these in house fighting b/w activities vs activities or leaders vs leaders. I'm only concerned about those on GZ.

Stay tuned – The drama is plenty LoL.