MKPD > Please listen to the Audio/video below, Eric Tataw has been implicated in the burning of the Kumba District Hospital. This is PURE evil.
At least four patients lost their lives in the hospital fire.

Some anonymous writer wrote this.. (Has not been independently verified by myelf..)
This goes to all those who point fingers to the military regarding the Kumba district Hospital, I wish you a painful death. After the lockdown I will send you names and the group responsible for that arson. Ask Ebenezer and ayaba if they know of amba fighters called Romeo and Decko? It's a shame to even read trash as such, just like that crying lady said, a woman placenta was denied to be cut inside the theatre by the amba fighters, its pathetic . Kingsley these are people you ask us to protect. We will see the next move.
And another anonymous person wrote this below..
On the burning of the district hospital in Kumba Since the news broke out, I have intentionally stayed quiet to do my due diligence, to investigate what happened, when, how and by who. After interviewing 15 people who were at the hospital that night, including providers, nurses, patients and security, It is now my conclusion that it was not the Cameroon military that set fire on the hospital as hurriedly put out by propagandists. My findings conclusively point to the Amba fighters as the perpetrators of the crime. Late in the evening of the 10th of February, six Amba boys came to the hospital with a ladder, which they used to scale the wall. They were easily identified because of their wears and their Anglophone accent. They went to the male surgical ward and the surgery room, asked the patients to leave because they wanted to burn the facility to set an example. They poured gasoline, lit up the structure then left. They left behind their ladder. For the record, the Kumba District Hospital is the referral hospital in the largest health district in the SW region. It serves about 600,000 people directly and up to 1,000,000 indirectly as a referral structure for Meme, Ndian, kupe-Manenguba, Lebialem and Manyu divisions. It treats about 15,000 patients every month. The hospital has now been shut down indefinitely, putting the health of hundreds of thousands of people at risk. Even during the world wars, hospitals were off limit. The Geneva convention specifically protects health workers and health facilities. I usually have something to say but today I am going to be speechless. I will be back. But let me say this. The pain of this insanity is difficult to articulate but there will be hell to pay. Wilson Eseme, MD.