Eric Tataw Tano, also known as “Garri Master” is now refusing his nickname. Eric Tataw is famous for calling for the “Garri” or “Garri process” to be applied to people.
NB "To Garri" means to maim, to torture, to kill/ Eric Tataw is known amongst "Ambazonians" as "The Garri master"
On 1st Jan 2019, during one of his Facebook live video broadcast to thousands of fans, Eric Tataw was talking about the lawsuit against Tapang Ivo for inciting acts of terror in Cameroon.
Suddenly, Eric Tataw said…
“..I have never ever asked that any body’s hand should be chopped..” 01/01/2019
Well, we have the receipts.. Watch the video below to hear ERIC TATAW (in Aug/Sep 2018) asking exactly, that children’s “entire” hand should be “Garri” for going to school.
PS: This is INCITING acts of TERROR! He needs to be held responsible.
This is Terrorism.
Below are just a few examples of people who have undergone Eric Tataw’s “Garri Process” in Cameroon. These attrocities are committed by Amba Boys, who are mostly poorly educated youths who listen and adore these charlatans abroad, like Eric Tataw, Mark Bareta, Prince J Carr, Kemi Ashu, Ashu Kingsley, Sikod, Ayaba Cho Lucas, Ebenezer Akwanga, etc etc..

More of such attrocities happened at the CDC, just two days ago, 03/01/19.

The things they preach on social media, become REALITY on the ground in Cameroon, and the consequences are DEVASTATING on people’s lives. Most times, they are FATAL.