MKPD> Today 16 Jan 2019, Tapang Ivo posted on his facebook page that Barrister Nsahlai has been sued.. Below, is the LIE he wrote..

Breaking News!
A top-rated international lawyer and scholar, Dr. Jonathan Levy, has reportedly sued the California-based Nsahlai Emmanuel law firm and ordered it to publicly apologize for making false accusations and preposterous statements against its client — the Southern Cameroons Defense Forces, Dr. Ebenezar Akwanga and Mr. Ajong Divine.
Attorney Dr. Levy has been licenced for more than 20 years and has an excellent legal reputation across the United States and Africa. He requests that the Nsahlai law firm should add this line in its public apology:
“I was paid by agents the Republic of Cameroon and now regret my betrayal of my people and crave forgiveness.”
Meantime, sources say at least 30 other law firms protecting clients in the USA have also prepared separate lawsuits/complaints against the Nsahlai Law firm’s public unsubstantiated statements mentioning pro-rights individuals, groups and the Ambazonia community defending their homeland…
* Published by Ivo Tanku Tapang, Journalist & Freedom Fighter.*
If the Facebook post is still up, you can access it here>>

He also attached 2 page screenshot of the letter that was emailed to Barrister Nsahlai.
We welcome it
So when I saw this post, I called Barrister Nsahlai to ask if he received the email, and he said yes, he received the email from ( – I laughed- and asked.. So what’s your response? Barrister Nsahlai said “We welcome it”
Tapang ivo is a liar
Tapang Ivo is lying to his gullible audience and followers on social media. Many people believe this nonsense, without question.. and that is why I am here, to ask the basic questions and bring out common sense.
DO NOT BELIEVE just ANYTHING that ANYONE says online. LOOK at the evidence, and even when they produce the evidence, you have to Ask questions, cross examine the evidence to scrutinise it before making your mind up.
A cease and dsesist is only a “warning” letter, sometimes known as an empty threat. This is not a lawsuit, as Liar Tapang wants you to believe. If it was a lawsuit, he would have been able to provide the case number, and the court in which the suit was filed.
The lawsuit that was filed by Barrister Nsahlai against Tapang Ivo has a case number 5:18-cv-07721
The Letterhead is amateurish and unprofessional
The letter head used by this so called solicitor Levy is amateurish and unprofessional, he doesn’t list any other contact information except for the proton mail email address, which in itself, the email is dodgy, because proton main are used by 419 scammers because they encrype their emails.
The postal address is also one used by several other businesses. Compare the letterhead to that of Barrister Nsahlai, and you will see what I mean.

This “Cease and Desist Letter” is just one of several threats from Ambazonians. They are desperately trying to make the lawsuit go away. They have begged Barrister Nsahlai, tried to bribe him, and threatened him privately and even publicly.