Barrister Yong greetings. Are you OK? We heard of your kidnapping.
Christmas Ebini
Good morning Dr. I was released on Tuesday. Yesterday I was in the hospital and today I’m still there for a comprehensive health check I was released largely to the pressure mounted from the diaspora. Thanking you all for the support that led to my release.
Paddy Yong, Lead Lawyer For Sisiku AyukTabe
Who are those who abducted you and why did they abduct you? Did they ask for ransom or collect any money from you? Did they give you any conditions upon arresting you? I hope your medical check up comes out clean and clears you of any physical damage.
Christmas Ebini

Paddy Yong, Lead Lawyer For Sisiku AyukTabe Wrote in detail..
I was kidnapped by our own boys. At about 7 pm on Saturday I got to my gate only to realise that I was being followed by a bike. The three guys on the bike pulled me out of my car and started beating me.
They did not bulge. I then begged them to let me go after collecting the money. They forced me into my car and I resisted seriously. They hit my head repeatedly with the butt of a gun and fired into the air. I was overpowered and they successfully bundled me into my car and drove off
They drove deep down into the forest in Bafut and on Sunday I was tried. My crime I was informed that like all other lawyers I was not supporting the struggle. I explained to them that I was lead counsel to the Sisiku AyukTabe and others. Further that I defended all Amba fighters in Bamenda, Bafoussam, Douala, Buea, Edea and Yaoundé and this was pro bono but they still insisted I was not supporting the struggle. I told them that for 5 yrs I had devoted my practice to defending them and how else could I contribute.
The first thing they did was to remove my wallet and asked me how much was in it. I told them 130k. I then informed them that I was Sisiku’s lawyer and lawyer for all Amba fighters being tried in all the courts of Cameroon.
They abandoned their motorcycle there and I got up this morning to realise that they collected it last nite.
Yesterday I went to the hospital for a comprehensive health check. Today I am at another hospital in the eye department. I was slapped repeatedly on my face and my eyes cannot stand light.
I was locked up in a cell and then late Monday afternoon their phone was bombarded with calls from the diaspora querying them for kidnapping me. They got frightened and on Tuesday released me with my car which was in a terrible state because of the rough driving by them on the horrible roads.
I was sentenced to pay 40 AKs and that it was 1.7 million for each Ak. Total = 68 million Frs CFA. That’s my ordeal.
Greetings Barrister. This is really sad. You have sacrificed so much for this revolution defending our leaders and citizens in prisons and for this to happen to you from the hands of those who should be appreciating and defending you is sad. We do apologize for allowing this revolution to become a source of torture and extortion of our own people by our own people. We should not be in this place and state of things.
Barrister please I need your permission to share your account and experiences. This is credible accounting and important information that help in building a strong base of effective volunteers to stand up against the misuse of this revolution for personal profiteering. I need your permission to share the information. Your friend, Christmas Ebini.
Christmas Ebini

Permission granted. Anything that can check the excesses of these illiterates carrying guns, is good for our people. But then again, this is what happens when we deliberately decided to make our territory ungovernable. It was a terrible blunder.
Paddy Yong, Lead Lawyer For Sisiku AyukTabe
Thanks Barrister. Hope you are feeling OK. Have you concluded the complete medical check-up?
Christmas Ebini
I am feeling better by the day. I am still to complete the check up as I have another appointment for today.
Paddy Yong, Lead Lawyer For Sisiku AyukTabe

In February 2022, amba boys kidnap, tortured Sisiku AyukTabe’s lawyer, Barrister Acha Simon
Barrister Acha Simon, one of the lawyers defending Sisiku Ayuk Tabe and other jailed separatist leaders, is now receiving treatment at the Bamenda Regional Hospital after he was reportedly kidnapped by members of the Ambazonia Defence Forces, ADF, in Bamenda recently.
He says he was whisked off days ago from his car, beaten, and forced onto a motorbike, which took him to the separatists’ hideout where he was again tortured for three days and nights.

I was meted the worst beating I have ever had in my life. It all started with three huge guys armed with guns without notice jumping in my car and asking me to give them the keys to my car. As I attempted resisting, they showered blows all over my face. These blows blinded me and I was violently pulled out of the car and asked to climb on a waiting bike. Further resistance earned me heavy-hitting all over my body and especially on my head.
Barrister Acha Simon, February 2022
He continued.. Sensing danger, I mounted the bike and was driven far out of town. My car was driven along too. I was again severely beaten and blindfolded into a house where I remained in captivity for three days and nights,” he told MMI.
At the Bamenda Regional Hospital, he says he has been responding to treatment from the several wounds he sustained from the torture. In his confession, Barrister Acha did not say why the amba boys kidnapped him, or whether he paid any ransom to be released. The Senior advocate and owner of Standards Law Firm in Bamenda is one of the leading lawyers defending the group of 10 amba leaders, including Sisiku AyukTabe, who were slammed life sentences in 2019. They are commonly called the NERA 10.
Barrister Acha Simon is not the first among the NERA 10 lawyers to be kidnapped and tortured by their very own amba boys. A similar incident occurred on Friday, 30 April 2021 when about 10 heavily armed amba boys kidnapped human rights defender, Barrister Legenju Vitalis around #Muea, a locality in Buea. He was shot in the leg and abandoned by the roadside, while his friend, a teacher, was taken into the bush. Before the incident, Barrister Legenju was the Lead Counsel of a human rights task force, which was defending the NERA 10.