Batibo Military Operation – 11 Amba boys killed
General Bouba of the 5th military region in Bamenda has introduced himself to amba boys in style, launching multiple military attacks on multiple fronts in Batibo, Ndu-Kumbo area, Some parts…
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
General Bouba of the 5th military region in Bamenda has introduced himself to amba boys in style, launching multiple military attacks on multiple fronts in Batibo, Ndu-Kumbo area, Some parts…
VIDEO. amba vs amba in Ndop 22 July 2022 – General Sagon kills fighter belonging to Vampires of Bamuka Ndop under General Machine
FMA Oliver 33Export killed, #Lebialem Jubilates. This video taken 16 Jul 2022, Catholic Christians celebrate as their priests finally return. The Lebialem community have vowed never to entertain or welcome…
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE NEWS – *FMA Oliver of Red Dragons #Lebialem was neutralised by ADF General Big Number Efang,* according to intel coming from Ground Zero. Listen to these two audios…
Oliver Lekeaka, who called himself the Field Marshal of Red Dragons of Lebialem has been killed today 12 July 2022. The Cameroon military are going to display his corpse publicly.…
In a stunning live video on Facebook 09 July 2022, Sama Thomas sent life threats to all UN officials in Cameroon. Video below.. Listen.. He went on to say. “All…
#Mbengwi. General Witch bird and at least 2 of his boys killed 08 Jul 2022. His body displayed publicly in Mbon ParkĀ
BREAKING SAD NEWS. These are the 9 Amba boys Captured by BIR in #Bafut 07 July 2022. No one was injured or killed during the capture. The BIR are now…
The IG Bans ADF, AMF and SOCADEF from Ground Zero. 1) All ADF, AMF and SOCADEF Activities are Banned2) No ADF Forces are allowed to exist. All communities are empowered…
Sikod on his knees, sends a STERN WARNING TO AMBAZONIANS. WE ARE NOT WINNING We are NOT in a very good state in this revolution. We are failing, and in…