ADF amba terrorist GeneRat Omega of Alabukam Kumkumised 27 Dec 2023
#BAMENDA SWEET KUMKUM NEWS – ADF GeneRAT Omega of Alabukam has been Kumkumised this morning 27 Dec 2023. He is the one who planted explosives at T-Junction #Bamenda to disrupt…
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
#BAMENDA SWEET KUMKUM NEWS – ADF GeneRAT Omega of Alabukam has been Kumkumised this morning 27 Dec 2023. He is the one who planted explosives at T-Junction #Bamenda to disrupt…
SWEET KUMKUM NEWS #Boyo. At least 5 amba terrorists kumkumised last night breaking 23 Dec 2023 in Kwoshin ( #Bum sub-division) – Boyo by #Bum Fonfuka Gendarmerie Brigade. There were…
RAID A BANGA BUSH PAR TF 6BIR +CATMes respects mon colonel HVRC dans cadre raid en objetTask force a pris contact avec OPFOR pendant son infiltration à 10Km ouest environs…
In a very well cordianated Surgical operation, the 21 Batalion #Kumba, utilising intel from ex-combatants and those amba terrorists that were captured few days prior, the operation led to the…
TWO Kumkumised, FOUR Captured alive. Amba Terrorist Generat Lucifer miss die.. The #BIR entered his camp to deliver Chrismas #Kumkum presents, and the illiterate #SNWL ran like arata. So we…
PICTURES: 4 Amba Terrorists kumkumised in Bessi, Batibo Momo, 04 Dec 2023 – They had dane guns. Haha.. Go to our website to view the pictures on – The…
SWEET KUMKUM NEWS. We just kumkumised GeneRat Sammy Tex of Boa #Bakundu #ComedyTerrorism
Amba terrorist Commander under Shit-No-Wipe-Lass #ambaTerrorist Lucifer in #Meme kumkumised by the 21 battalion in Meme today 15 November 2023 and some of the terrorists ran with small kumkum inside…
#Fako – 10/11/2023 – Six Amba terriorsts under geneRat Sky in Fako kumkumised without soup.. Some ran with kumkum inside them.. Pictures of their Carcasses has been shared on WhatsApp…
The Carcass of the amba SNWL terrorist who called himself “General Poison” was displayed at BICEC Junction in Kumba on 31 Oct 2023, to the Jubilation of Hundreds of people…