Na who yi pa this? Capo Daniel vs Fru John Nso
Capo Daniel, (Lukong Daniel on Facebook) real name Ngong Daniel wrote this on Facebook today.. NA WHO YI PA THIS. Why is this man so evil. This is beyond comprehension.…
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
Capo Daniel, (Lukong Daniel on Facebook) real name Ngong Daniel wrote this on Facebook today.. NA WHO YI PA THIS. Why is this man so evil. This is beyond comprehension.…
Amba general KABIRU, of GWARKANG in #JAKIRI has met an end. Is this the dialogue without preconditions that amba leaders have been begging for? These Videos hav been shared on…
Edith Ngang, known to ambazonians as Ma Ngang, confirms in an Audio clip (5.37) below, that she has been indicted by the US government DOJ. Listen to the Audio for…
This is Kiki Pascal, an Ambazonian under ADF instructing Gen Capo of #Bui to neutralise Gen ChaCha These are the kind of instances that resulted to the Bui massacre when…
One Amba boy neutralised in #Fundong today June 09, 2021 and the corpse displayed at Fundong Square. Our amba boys are being finished. Who will replace them? Who will go…
Listen to the audio and see the video below, Capo Daniel (Ngong Emmanuel who lives in Hong Kong) explaining how two of ADF amba boys were killed in Mile 90,…
08 June 2021. Ambazonia General Corbra is down.. His hideout was leaked out to Cameroon military and we have reports that 5 of his Amba boys were killed and several…
Commander Njayoh of Meme is no more. He was launching a checkpoint on the road to collect some money for independence. LRC took him alive, gathered intelligence from him and…
Ambazonians are in pain today, after amba boys went to carry an operation and one of the boys was gunned down with no mercy, his brains scattered on the road.…
Gud morning kontri pipo, today Sunday 6 June in Vekovi around #Jakiri our Galant military went and distributed FREE #kumkum to those amba terrorist nkunyams this morning in vekovi around…