Bui Massacre of 20 Jan 2020 – 39 Ambazonia Defence Forces (ADF) Terrorists were slaughtered by “General Chacha” of Bui Warriors, under the orders of Samuel Sako Ikome and Christopher Anu who both live in the USA. During the Massacre, some of the ADF Terrorists were burried alive, while others had their hands tied to their backs and they were summarily executed at point blank range.
The ADF is a Terrorists Gang under Ayaba Cho Lucas. Ayaba Cho Lucas was Arrested in Norway by Kripos on 24 September 2024 and charged with inciting Crimes against Humanity.
In a live broadcast on 27 Oct 2024, Evenezer Akwanga Lamented that some amba boys were buried alive. This is a Quote from Akwanga, he said..
“A conflict leading between an outfit of the so-called Interim government and the ADF led to the killing of people’s children and to the best of my knowledge, some were even buried alive. Not by LRC by us, burying our own alive! Some of us though that we need to outdo the record of Sam Bukari and Foday Sankoh of Sierra Leone. Killing our own. And who were those putting in that money? People from abroad. They thought that is how they would make a name for themselves…
They You can’t succeed in a liberation struggle, when you go down that route. That is why we are where we are today! ”
Ebenezer Akwanga, Live on Facebook, 27 Oct 2024

In 2018, RK kumkumised “general Shinarambo” of #Belo. In February 2020, Sako Ikome and Chris Anu kumkumised 39 ADF Terrorists in Bui. No Pity kumkumised Insobu. Ayeke kumkumised Roma. Remember Guzang #Batibo Massacre, #Munyenge Massacre, etc etc. These are all amba vs amba terrorism.

But I, #MKPD, have never killed anyone. I do not carry guns, and I do not kill.. We the BlackLegs are ALWAYS ready to welcome the amba boys when they surrender. YET, AmbaFools HATE me and want me dead. What have I done to them? They attacked me First, and forced me to speak on behalf of the thousands of victims of ambazonia terrorism. I am doing God’s work.

Ambazonia Terrorists are the ones tormenting anglophone population, with Lockdowns, Ghost-towns, travel bans, kidnapping for ransoms, rapes, extortion, random killings and torture, burning down schools, homes, markets and Fon’s palaces, digging up roads, etc..

Ambazonia terrorists are a CLEAR & PRESENT DANGER to my people. I love my people, that is why I stand to speak on behalf of the voiceless and the silent majority of anglophones.
Hear me very well. We will not rest until every amba terrorist has been disarmed. They can be disarmed peacefully through DDR, or violently through Kumkum.
Reacting to 39 ADF Terrorists that were MASSACRED in #Bui, 20 Jan 2020, Mark Bareta Said, “If you put Chris Anu and Paul Biya and I have a gun with One Bullet, I will gun down Chris Anu first with that bullet and deal with Paul Biya later..”
Eric Tataw also once said.. “Sako Ikome is Number ONE enemy of this revolution. If you see Paul Biya and Sako, Finish with Sako first”.
INFIGHTING is the anglophone curse. The ultimate anglophone crisis in #Cameroon. This infighting is the reason we find ourselves where we are today. The infighting started since the 1950s, between Endeley and John Ngu Foncha, and it has instead increased today. We have not learned a SINGLE lesson from our past.
You should also investigate Munyenge Massacre, Guzang Batibo Massacre, etc etc.
We have Systematically wiped out almost all the terrorists. The Collage below was made on 01 Oct 2023. Hundreds of the so-called GeneRATs had already been killed. The best news is that they cannot recruit any new gullible youths to replace these sacrificial lambs.