Announcement of Visa Restrictions on Those Undermining the Peaceful Resolution of the Crisis in the Anglophone Regions of Cameroon
JUNE 7, 2021
The United States is deeply concerned by the continued violence in the Anglophone regions of Cameroon. We continue to call for both the Cameroonian government and separatist armed groups to end the violence and engage in a dialogue without preconditions to peacefully resolve the crisis. It is important that children can attend school and that humanitarian aid can be delivered. We urge all relevant stakeholders in Cameroon and in the diaspora to engage constructively and seek a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

We condemn those who undermine peace through engaging in or inciting violence, human rights violations and abuses, and threats against advocates for peace or humanitarian workers.
I am establishing a policy imposing visa restrictions on individuals who are believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining the peaceful resolution of the crisis in the Anglophone regions of Cameroon. This decision reflects our commitment to advance a dialogue to peacefully resolve the Anglophone crisis and support respect for human rights. The United States strongly supports the Cameroonian people, and we remain committed to working together to advance democracy and mutual prosperity for both our countries.

What does this mean for ambazonians?
The USA clearly siding with Cameroon, and believes in the ONE and INDIVISIBILITY of Cameroon, and these Visa restrictions will only affect Ambazonians since Only ambazonians are undermining the “Peaceful resolution” of the “Anglophone Crisis”. There is no talk of Ambazonia in this article.
Mark Bareta asses that this is a clear sign that the US State Department of President Biden has thrown it’s weight behind Cameroun, against Ambazonia. Ambazonians who want war will no longer be able to get Visa to the USA, and those who are already in the USA and advocating for violence, will be targetted and their Visas revocked.