MKPD> So as you already know, Barrister Nsahlai filed a lawsuit against Chris Anu.
And since then, we have seen the evidence that Chris Anu was served (Click here) – He was served on 12 Feb 2019, and given up to 06 Mar 2019 to make a plea to the court. However, Chris Anu has failed to contact the court.

In my Opinion, i think he hasnt had the finances to get a lawyer – But that’s his problem.
So now, Barrister Nsahlai is moving forward and askign the court to to enter a DEFAULT, meaning that Chris Anu will lose the case AUTOMATICALLY, since he was sued, and he was served, and he failed to respond to the court in the specified time allowed.
Downlod the Application by Barrister Nsahlai here >> 2019-03-12 Combined_Cacd_Request_Entry_Default_FOBENEH
Downlod the summons here >> 2019-02-14 Summons Served Fobeneh (redacted)
Download the full Court case here >> [2019-02-08] Complaint – Fobeneh with Exhibits _CACD(2)
The document reads..
To the Clerk of the United States District Court for the Central District of California: Pursuant to Rule 55 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Plaintiff Jane Doe requests that the Clerk enter the default of Defendant Christopher Anu Fobeneh, an individual, for failure to plead or otherwise defend against this action in a timely manner. As evidenced by the proofs of service on file with this Court, the above-named defendants were each served pursuant to personal delivery to defendant Christopher Anu Fobeneh in his individual capacity on February 12, 2019. The applicable time limit for the above-named Defendants to appear or otherwise respond to this action expired on March 6, 2019. Accordingly, as set forth in the concurrently filed Declaration of Emmanuel Nsahlai and its attached Exhibits 1 through 2, default should be entered against the above named defendant. Date: March 12, 2019 Respectfully Submitted, EMMANUEL NSAHLAI