The ambazonia terrorists who carried out a couple of terrorist attacks in Bamenda that resulted in at least two civilian deaths and dozens injured at Amour Mezam have been killed, and others captured this evening, Saturday 18 January 2025.
Click on the Images below to enlarge.. Videos below..

UPDATE: 19 Jan 2025. GeneRAT Dalisa Nuyuyeni and Commander Blaise from #Bui have been identified as two of the three that were Kumkumised in #Bamenda 18 Jan 2025. These are notorious and well known drug addicts who have terrorised Nso people for years and now they were looking for new territory for kidnapping business. The population is very happy with the work done by the forces of defense and security.
Click on the Videos below and enlarge them
The terrorist gang was made up of 6 young men and 3 girls. They came in from Bui Division with a terrorist plan to terrorise the population and make money for themselves in the process. They were lodging in an Auberge at Alahlie.
Three were kumkumised without soup and sent to Canada for pre-talks, while the others have been taken to continue enjoying Kumkum hospitality with GPIGN. A cache of automatic rifles and some other weapons have been collected as shown in the pictures.
Audio below is from one “amba” supporter in their whatsApp Group, lamenting about the torment the amba terrorists dish out to the civilian population, extortion, etc.
The terrified population have started fighting back. In the past few days, dozens of Bamenda people have been calling the authorities, begging for assistance, and telling the authorities that they know where “those Boys” are hiding. This evening, the Kumkum distributors launched a covert operating en-civile, dressed like ordinary people, being led by other civilians, they were into their hiding place and wiped the SNWL terrorists.

Reports also indicate that these drug addicts often block the road towards Bafut, in the name of “control”, an opportunity to extort the population.
Items recovered include.. 05 weapons (2 galils and 3 AK 47), 10 magazins, 361 bullets, Odeshi jackets with charms, 03 telephones, and ofcourse a HUGE quantity of drugs including marijuana.
We have been reliable informed that the operation took place “Towards mile 4 Bamenda”.
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