Breaking KumKum News from Ndu and Ndop
MKPD> The BIR from Ndu harvested some kasava and drove it down to Ndop, for free distribution of KumKum to the Amba boys. Their trip resulted to many passengers for…
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
MKPD> The BIR from Ndu harvested some kasava and drove it down to Ndop, for free distribution of KumKum to the Amba boys. Their trip resulted to many passengers for…
#MKPD #OperationSunshine must be activated on this fool.. He must not be allowed to enter back into Cameroon. He is on facebook as Dopdemga Peter Just read what he wrote..…
MKPD The Cameroon military is reporting 7 more Amba terrorists killed in Choup, Near Nkambe. infiltration sur base ambazoniens lieudit CHOUP par nkambe# bilan: 7 AMBATERRO neutralisés. 4 armes récupérées.…
MKPD.. I have just received Photo Evidence of 3 Amba terrorists killed in Frikov already – the whole place is shaking as the military has been handing out FREE KumKum…
Résultat acte policiers ce matin à Foncha Street Bda xx 02 ambaterros neutralisés xx 01 pistolet artisanal xx 03 cartouches cal.12 xx 01 moto saisis. Died like fowls.
Please Amba-Tramadol boys and drug scamming diasporans! The road to Buea is very clear and wide! Not many pot holes and not too many bends! For those who have never…
#MKPD This is February 2019.. This is just more evidence of Ambazonia child soldiers This is one of the main reasons why these Amba Terrorists don’t want schools to reopen..…
#MKPD Mark Bareta.. I hear he has family too? I hear his mum lives in Cameroon? 🤔 And this fool is raising money with Eric Tataw “Garri Master” to buy…
#MKPD 😂 See what #OperationSunshine is doing to AmbaFools.. It’s working MAGIC. MKPD was in Maryland.. 😂 👆🏾.. MKPD is Everywhere. This is a public warning to ALL Ambazonians. If…
MKPD> Operation Sunshine is going strong 💪🏾. Some people are telling us that garri master is the one who ordered Amba terrorists in Kumba to behead Ali Pima, in a…