David Ikeku, Nigerian armed robber, Amba terrorist.
David Ikeku is a Nigerian professional armed robber who was broken out of prison to become #AmbazoniaTerrorist “General”.. This is his gang in Dieney, kidnapping for Ransom is their business…
Destroying ambazonia terrorism
David Ikeku is a Nigerian professional armed robber who was broken out of prison to become #AmbazoniaTerrorist “General”.. This is his gang in Dieney, kidnapping for Ransom is their business…
🇨🇲 These are the anglophone “unknown gunmen” that we’ve been hearing about. When they are kumkumised, they become “innocent Civilians”. SELF-INFLICTED SUFFERING Most of these terrorists from #Lebialem are now…
🤣 #ComedyTerrorism 🤣.. We’re not the ones destroying the nonsense now.. 😂 All we do is cause confusion amongst the nkunyams 🤣 and they destroy themselves 😂… Because the Ambazonia…
Last night 12 may 2021, Amba Terrorists wanted to attack a Cameroonian 🇨🇲 mixed chekpoint at Ekok, SW Region using a primitive fabricated explosive device 🤣.. The damn thing blew…
#OperationSunshine. Cyprian Ngeh is #AmbaTerrorist from #Bamessing. His name is Cypo Ngeh on Facebook. WANTED TERRORIST. #MashFire 🔥 🇨🇲 #Cameroon 🇨🇲 💪🏾 #WinningFatly 🇨🇲 💪🏾
Amba Terrorist “Commander” Njayoh killed today at kombone Mission, in Mbonge sub division, MEME DIVISION of the South West region of Cameroon. The village is located along the Kumba-Ekondo Titi…
Suh Ngwakwah, though physically challenged from #Ntafeuliu could tap palmwine, make Bamboo beds and chairs just to earn a living. As the story goes, one Amba woman accused him of…
They are mad because we came and defeated them at the Facebook game. 11 May 2021. Back in the day, they had monopoly on Facebook. Imagine 2018, Tapang, Mark Bareta,…
The USA (President Biden) has officially announced that they have joined LRC to fight against our independence. This is a big blow for Ambazonia. I blame all the ambazonians in…
Ambazonia Terrorists from Manyu, Bodam badjie – Send to All Police and gendarmes – Know their faces, serve them kumkum