Koupe Manengouba (13 April 2020) #Ambazonia Terrorist #SNWL “General” Nkwelle Kingsley Apande was been Kumkumised without soup, by his own Amba terrorist gang.. 😂 #ComedyTerrorism. He died like a fowl, after multiple attempts on his life by other amba terrorist factions.
When we asked these boys to drop the guns, go to DDR center, to SAVE THEIR OWN LIVES, they refused, because they said they are fighting for their father’s plot of land in Maryland. Bunch of fools. I am sure the Amba propagandists on Facebook will say he was kumkumised by “AtangaNji Boys” lol 😂

On the 23 March 2019, he wront on Facebook, below..
Those who did this to our family house will pay with their blood. I want an independent inquiry to investigate the issues of embezzlement levied against me because for the past three years since I started this struggle we “The Crusaders” have never receive a penny from the IG as support.
I don’t have an identity card, I don’t go to the bank therefore if I want to receive anything like cash there must be a second party so those who are accusing me should come with a witnessed to proof me wrong. I am the most wanted Ambazonian in kupe Muanenguba, because I have refused all forms of bribe from LRC.
I started this struggle in this area at the time when the word Ambazonia was a taboo. The worst thing is that it is not even the soldiers in my camp burnt our family house but a group of ADF from Tekeh. Kupe Muanenguba is ASC and not ADF and it will never be ADF. Any ADF coming to Kupe Muanenguba is an attack on ASC and I am the leader in this area.
Since 2017, I have been having rumors that the ADF is planning an attack against my camp to eliminate me I never believed until Monday the 23rd of March 2019, when they hard rumors that I am in Nyasoso so they came there in search of me in our family house so since they never saw me there they put the house ablaze. Now they are framing stories that I have embezzled money for the struggle when I am not under the ADF. I have spent millions of France CFA my own personal money even sold some of my personal properties for the struggle, have fought close to 60 battles, my camp have been attacked 47 times by LRC but we still survived.
The most annoying thing is that it is not LRC burnt our family house but those I call my own brothers, so they have declared war against me by burning our family house.

On the 15 Feb 2020, Apande Kingsley Nkwelle wront on Facebook, below..
Our beloved people of Southern Cameroons and Kupe-Muanenguba in particular Happy Valentine’s day to you all.
The story am about to write may look disturbing to many but I must put it to notice for many to understand what is going on right now in Kupe-Muanenguba (KM) county. What I want every Southern Cameroonian to understand is that this revolution is God ordained and the cleanest revolution in history for those who understand it. This is the revolution were people will see the miraculous work of God Almighty. Anybody who works against the revolution shall not go unpunished or anybody who thinks he or she can manipulate the people for his selfish interest shall go free. Every evil plan against those dedicated to the revolution shall always be revealed and nobody should think that if they plant yam they are going to harvest cassava as far as this revolution is concerned. As far as this revolution is concerned, the spiritual part is so high than the physical aspect of it and that’s why Southern Cameroonians are able to resist the Biya regime.
What has happened in Nninong is far more spiritual than the physical part that people see. For quiet along time now, the Muanbong people have been sabotaging my name and that of my barrack all in fighting for position and made several attempt to kill me and my soldiers in the barrack. The Muanbong people connived with some diasporans like Ebong Kingsley, Ewane Mbwoge Charley, Ekome Nzzoge and their group for me and my soldiers to be killed claiming that we are blacklegs and that I have embezzled money for the revolution like building upstair houses in Buea and Limbe have bought three cars and have opened a super market in Nkongsamba,and that we are now acting as vigilante group in Tombel and the colonial DO is our best friend as well as collecting money from Elung Paul for us to stop fighting for Independence.
November 18, 2019 I was arrested in Muanbong along side seven of my soldiers by SOCADEF from Matoh with the plan of killing us all because of the above allegations levied against us by Muanbong people and some of those names mentioned from the diaspora. After a week investigation with our phones seized, they SOCADEF discovered that we are innocent and found no reason to kill us but instead added a crown on my head, only God safe us from that situation.
Despite all that difficult moment, I still called for a meeting titled Peace and Unity meeting,on December 3rd, 2019, but the Muanbong people never attended the meeting and they never offered any apology for what they did not knowing that they still have another plan of killing us. On the 2nd of February 2020, the same Muanbong people hard plans to come attack us by 1:30 to 2:30 am, but unfortunately for them we were in action burning Elecam office and materials, their plans failed. Whenever we go fight they say a different thing only to discredit us for no reason. Their plans to kill us again time failed they shifted to Nninong to take over the place. The question is why would the soldiers in Muanbong leave brasseries products sold in Muambong and go to Nninong to broke theirs? What was the agenda of the meeting held by the chief and some elders in Muambong in their occultic house against the soldiers of Muambong?
The chief and some elders of Muambong met with Nninong chiefs in Bangem at the SDO’s office to collect money against elections and the Muanbong delegation present there denounce Amba soldiers and how they will do their possible best to stop Amba in Muambong. Nninong is just an escape goat here. The sacrifices made in the occultic house in Muambong so that lrc military should not enter there should explained the killing of those soldiers in Nninong. I almost fall a victim of such circumstances but thank God I never collected even “king grass” from Muambong. The traditional letter the Muambong people have sent in my area, they should be very careful, this time around I would not take any chances. I started this revolution in KM and I most finish. I was crown by the people to lead the revolution in this part of the country and I most lead it to the end they can’t stopped it. What is for the struggle should be for the struggle and what’s for Muambong should be for Muambong and what’s bakossi should be bakossi.
All those in their houses causing problems calling themselves solders this time around there would be no chances. Four assasination attempt is enough. More horrible things will still happen before the revolution comes to an end. Let us pray that God should take total control of the revolution for fast end.
In God we trust

Despite the multiple attempts on his life by his own amba terrorists, he remained in the nonsense until it finally took his life on 13 April 2020. Good riddance.