🇨🇲 These are the anglophone “unknown gunmen” we’ve been hearing of. This is how they live in the bushes, like animals. Can you imagine someone choosing this way of life? 🤔 🤦🏾‍♂️ #Ambazonia Terrorists.
Can you identify these nkunyams? Report them to the bureau of KumKum distribution 💪🏾 🇨🇲
#WinningFatly 💪🏾
#MKPD 🇨🇲 💪🏾

By KumKum Massa

Born and bred in Momo, NW Region of #Cameroon 🇨🇲.. Travelled the world. Victim of Ambazonia terrorism. Ambazonia Terrorism MUST be destroyed by ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

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