Amba vs LRC is the Facebook page. It was created just 3 months ago, on 03 October 2018, And we are doing GREAT, Thanks to our followers and fans.

This page was created and managed by a concerened citizen of Anglophone Cameroon. Here, I give my personal opinions, analysis and commentaries on issues currently affecting my place of birth, the Anglophone region of Cameroon.

Send us a message to our Facebook page here>

I was born and raised in Momo, NW region of Cameroon in the mid 1980s, (I am not even 35 years old YET) and I have lived in England for almost 20 years now. I have never been interested in Cameroon Politics, not even when the “Anglophone Crisis” flared up in 2016, I had ZERO interest.
However, in mid 2018, while visiting Cameroon, I was attacked by Amba Boys in Momo and almost lost my life. I produced a short video about my encounter witht he Amba Boys.. below.

This is when I got very much interested in what was going on in Cameroon. I wanted to know why I was almost killed. From June 2018, I started reading about this issue, and I had a lot of opinions about it.
By mid August 2018, that’s when I thought I really wanted to air out my thoughts and opinions and share my own personal story.
I created a fake Facebook account, (Ambazonia Cameroun) and started.. That acount was soon blocked by the end of September.. Thats when I decided to create this page on 03 Oct 2018, and look now..

See how far we have come together… We have created a small community of like minded individuals.. We can only continue to BUILD from this..
I also created a YouTube Channel on 20 August 2018, which is also doing great. In just 4 months, We have uploaded over 115 videos onto Youtube, received 509,159 views, and 2,399 subscribers till date. Thank you guys!

I would also like to give a shout-out to my fellow compatriots who are bringing some “commonsense” to this Insanity called “Amba Boys”..
- Thank You – Frankline Njume
- Thank You Mike Braltar
- Thank You Tabi Tabetha
- Thank you to our sister Facebook Page, STOP Ambazonian Terrorists
And to all the silent MAJORITY out there – We need your support. This is a “Social Media War”.. We must engage.. Like, Comment, and SHARE, so that we can reverse the Brainwashing of our people..