Ma Kontri Pipo Dem. Wuna Lookam Fine.. See These AmbaFools.. These Terrorists who are Terrorizing Pple Around Ndop Area.
(The one with cigarette in the mouth is called Fokam Francis, the one on the bike is Willy Mukanda). That Buffoon standing with one of his concubines (below) is called SAHKENG CEDRIC, the current Amba “Commander”.

[dropcap style=’circle’]S[/dropcap]ee how primitive these terrorists are.. They are still carrying Odeshi thinking that it will help them. 😂 Look at them well.. Their time is near. Feed your eyes now because when next you see them, they Will be in a shallow grave.
But they can be saved if they contact #KumKum Massa on WhatsApp +447495198739.