These are the anglophone unknown gunmen we have been hearing about.. Soon to be unarmed innocent civilians.. #ComedyTerrorism 🤣

After smoking expired weed, they climbed on the road and terorrised their own communities.. They know where the Gendarmes are located they didn’t go there…
They know where the DO’s office is, they didn’t go there.. But they went to act a film in Muea civilian community.. And this is what will make Paul Biya dialogue with them 😂
#MashFire 💪🏾 🇨🇲
#MKPD 🇨🇲 💪🏾
Identify the nkunyams and we will send them a Free One way ticket to Maryland, first class by Odeshi Airlines.
In 2017, there were hundreds of them in 2021, there are only 3 left 🤣 🤣