Oku Tradition is being destroyed by Ambazonia Terrorists.
Ebchiofai Ntul, second in command to the Fon of Oku was kidnapped at about 3:30pm on the 11th of December 2019 by Amba terrorists in oku with orders from kaah Aaron and other amba terrorists abroad. The old man was brutalised and taken to their notorious camp at Ngemsiba-Oku where he is being held at gun point.

Amba terrorism and demonic operations continue in their plans to destroy oku. After shooting and HRH Fai Ndishangong, chief of Jikijem oku in both legs, ( see pics below), the terrorists are now targetting all major clan heads.

Oku traditional heritage is completely destroyed by amba terrorism.
This is Ebchiofai Nsanen, third in command to the fon of oku. He was abducted a week earlier and also whisked off to ngemsiba, half naked. Almost beaten to death. Fai Keyang, chief of manchok was only saved from being abucted because the terrorists arrived in his absence.
In effect, oku tradition has been attacked to the core. The desecretion is total and this is unacceptable. The teerorists are keeping more than fifty people captive in their camp at ngemsiba, including aspirant councillors for the upcoming elections for more than two weeks now!
The whole world and should now believr that ambazonia is evil! The whole world should now see ambazonia as evil, terrorist and as a criminal gang against humanity. This are the crimes they commit to turn around and blame the army.
Ma kontri pipo dem. All these are pics of oku traditional authorities in the hands of amba terrorists in Oku.