MKPD> These are all students of ENSET Bambili. They are all in a WhatsApp Group called GTTTC/ENSET 2017/2018, and today, we will shine sunshine into some of the conversations they have in that whatsApp group.

Some of the students in this whatsApp group are STAUNCH Amba supporters, DESPITE the fact that these fools are ACTIVELY attending a CAMEROON PROFESSIONAL INSTITUTION that leads to full employment with the Government as a teacher in technical colleges.

These students, some of which MUST have written a very tough entrance examination to get into ENSET Bambili – After reading their messages, and what they had to say, I am calling on the authorities of these colleges to DISMISS these students with IMMEDIATE EFFECT.
If these students are not dismissed, then we know that the Principal has taken BRIBE - Because here is ALL the EVIDENCE to EXPEL these students for supporting terrorism.

These clowns do not have what it takes to be LEADERS of Cameroon. They have seen the terror; the beheadings, the kidnappings and rapes, senseless murders, and untold suffering CAUSED by Amba terrorists, and YET they support these monsters..

Surely, the LEAST we can do is tell them that they are NOT FIT to be trained as teachers, and then to later work for THE SAME CAMEROON Government that they so desperately want to destroy.
I will let the evidence speak for itself.. Read their own words, and make up your own mind.

The omelette analogy
I know some people reading this post will question my intensions – They will feel sorry for these three young men who’s lives I have DELIBERATELY ruined.. And if you question WHY I am doing this, then please, allow me to introduce you to the Omelette analogy.

In mid 2018, while minding my business in my own house, Amba boys came in my house to kill me. I survived.. When I complained about it, ALL Amba supporters asked me NOT to speak up, because I am tarnishing the image of Ambazonia. They called me a “BlackLeg”, a “Traitor”…
Click on the images above to +enlarge

And when I showed them video (EVIDENCE) of AMBA BOYS BEHEADING PEOPLE in BAMENDA, these AmbaFools said..
"Well, It happens in every revolution - We have to break a few eggs to make an omelette."
So.. YES> in order to destroy Amba terrorism, we too, MUST be prepared to BREAK EGGS. We too MUST be prepated to DESTROY LIVES, and EVEN TO KILL, in order to bring back PEACE and SANITY to Cameroon.
We ALL like to eat Omelette, but don’t expect that ONLY MY EGGS will be cracked to make that National Omelette.. YOUR eggs too, WILL be cracked!
This is a WARNING to ALL who support Amba terrorism. #OperationSunshine will REVEAL ALL, and you will be sorry.

There MUST be CONSEQUENCES - for supporting TERRORISM in Cameroon.
Once again, I am calling for the authorities to assemble these three young men into the Principal’s office, and make them EXPLAIN why they support terrorism and they MUST BE EXPELLED from ENSET. This MUST be a teaching moment, to deter others from furthering/promoting evil.
The three young men involved in this story are..
The Mobile Tel Numbers and Names are.. 674740822 = Lovert Njom Amoh 670522931 = Kako Taku Pascal 679687638 = Ngwachunga Atoh Akongnwi
Amoh Lovert Njom
Amoh Lovert Njom - from his facebook profile, he is from Kumba, and in the whatsApp group chat, Amoh Njom said.. "You people are being protectd by your military every where on campus, Day go break for we one day, then wonna go gree match" he also said.. "Let the boys sit and be killed, self defense is very important"
This is the SAME FOOL (Amoh Lovert Njom) is ENJOYING the protection by the military, and ATTENDING classes, even though Amba Terorrists have said NO schools should be open. He says self defence… so kidnapping people, and beheadings.. that is self defense? This fool must be asked to EXPLAIN his own statements. But wait.. Let me grab my Popcorn first.. Because I think his explanation will be ENTERTAINING.
Kako Taku Pascal
Kako Taku Pascal - from his facebook profile, he confirms that he studies at ENSET, which is part of the University of Bamenda. In the whatsApp group chat, Kako Taku Pascal said.. "Amba no even start sep" "Mr man watch your word BC u wil regret urself" "Man talk rubbish for here wt that our HSE them de burn an killings ,u go hear ur own" he also said.. "Keep saying that. When amba will finally start you will not have any home remaining to stay. Maybe they will start burning but people too"
Ngwachunga Atoh Akongnwi
My favourite thing about this Ngwachunga Atoh Akongnwi is that I love his Name.. His parents obviously did not have “Black Inferiority Complex“. His parents did NOT give him a “SLAVE” name.. This here is AN AFRICAN YOUNG MAN with 100% AFRICAN name, no european “Christan” names from colonial white supremacists. NONE! But I digressed…
Atoh Akongnwi - from his facebook profile, he confirms that he is from Bafut. In the whatsApp group chat, Akongnwi said.. "our father is sisiku" "We get for intensify this fight like I goh bos. but their own father deh di do ei thing them for Switzerland di change change ei blood as ei like nor"
I don’t even have anything to say about this one.. It seems to me that he was the ring leader of these Amba supporters – Anyways, now that you know them, you have seen their pictures, and read the words they had to say, you can make up your own mind.

In their defence..
Before I published this info, I added them to WhatsApp, and chatted with them, I gave them an opportunity to defend themselves.. Here is the conversation I had with A couple of them..

And now .. below is my chat with.. Ngwachunga Atoh Akongnwi

And now .. below is my chat with.. Kako Taku Pascal

KumKum is SERVED! Please.. Enjoy.. It’s FREE!

This article was first published on Sat 16 Mar 2019 @ 1518