#Bui. Confirmed 4 amba terrorists Kumkumised in #Kumbo, 14 Jan 2024. They have all been sent to attent Canada Pre-talks. This is the kind of meaningful inclusive Dialogue without preconditions that we like to see. Pictures of the Carcasses shared on WhatsApp and Telegram and our website.

PS: This makes a Total of 10 Kumkumised in Kumbo alone, in the frst 14 days of 2024. Remember, for everyone Kumkumised, you can rest assured that another one got away with Kumkum inside them..
We BlackLegs are monitoring medical facilities in the area at all times, in case any SNWL go there for treatment. Our spies in the Medical facilities include nurses and doctors and patients and visitors, and they all feed us with vital info – Especially BBH Kumbo, we will check any arata that goes there, we will know, and we WILL Kumkumise!