Tapang Ivo, the so called spokesperson for the ADF has been inciting violence and terrorism in Cameroon 🇨🇲 for several months. FINALLY, he is facing the music – He has been taken to court..
And the video is also available on Facebook.. (Below)
The lawsuit was filed on 26 Dec 2018 in the Northern District Court in California (Case number 5:18-cv-07721) by the Nsahlai law firm. This lawsuit accuses the ADF spokesperson (Tapang Ivo Tanku) of engaging in actions that incite terrorism in Cameroon, and that his actions are in violation of the anti-terrorism act, RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) and other laws in the USA..
And therefore, Tapang Ivo is aiding and abetting acts of international terrorism. The lawsuit also seeks to put an injunction to STOP Tapang Ivo from providing support to terrorists in Cameroon.
Nsahlai Law firm also say that they will follow up this lawsuit by filling a criminal complaint against Tapang Ivo with the FBI, state and local authorities, and the US Department of Homeland Security, and Immigration and customs enforcement (ICE).
The plaintiff for this lawsuit are (Jane Doe and Jon Doe) American citizens, whose relatives were killed in Cameroon in May and August 2018. For more information on this case, the plaintiffs have set up a website which you can access, cameroonvictims.org
The Lawsuit (66 pages) >> Tapang_Lawsuit.pdf>> đź“„
In the video presentation above, which I have made and published on YouTube and Facebook, you can hear for yourself, Tapang Ivo, directing Amba boys to “VISIT” Hotels and Mini-cites in Yaounde and Douala, and kill innocent civilians to get independence.
If these so called Ambazonian claim that AmbaBoys are “restoration forces” or “defence forces”, so.. What do Mini-cites and Hotels have to do with their “restoration” or “defence”? If you are fighting the so called occupation forces, why target innocent civilians in Yaoundé and Douala, in their hotel rooms?
This is terrorism!
This is EVIDENCE of Tapang Ivo Inciting Acts of TERROR in Cameroon, and this Lawsuit is on solid ground, it is merited and long overdue.. (In my opinion)

After the lawsuit was filed on 26 Dec 2018, by Thursday 27 December, the news started to filter through.. But before Tapang Ivo knew about the lawsuit, he posted this on Facebook, bragging, that “as long as we have guns, whoever goes for dialogue with LRC will still come back to meet us shooting non-stop.”
But just 8 hours later, on that same Thursday 27 December, Tapang Ivo finally got the news about the lawsuit, but he tried to downplay it and this is what he wrote on Facebook.. “Beware of LRC scare tactics, it is the end of their game. Any legal battle between LRC and Ambazonia would be a ticket to independence”..

He wants you to believe that this is just a “scare tactic”. And he tried to say this LRC is responsible for this lawsuit, and he wants you to believe that the lawsuit is against Ambazonia, even though the lawsuit SPECIFICALLY names TAPANG IVO TANKU as the defendant. In my opinion, he was just trying his best to divert and downplay the bad news.
At 14:32 that same day, Tapang Ivo went on Facebook, and his tune changed.. Now he said.. “We have always maintained that we must protect Francophone minorities in Ambazonia”.
Of course.. Now, after he saw the lawsuit accusing him of inciting terrorism, now he is saying that we should protect innocent civilians? Only last month in Nov 2018, This same Tapang Ivo was sending Amba boys to go and “visit” innocent civilians in hotel rooms in Yaoundé and Douala..

About 2 hours later, at 15:59, Tapang Ivo came back on Facebook and said this.. “We have been briefed about a LRC lawsuit scare tactic”. Haha – He calls it a scare tactic, but even if it was a scare tactic, it was definitely working.. Tapang goes on to say “Game over if La Rep dares a legal war on any Ambazonian”.
You see, let me tell you what’s happening.. These are the signs of a desperate man who knows he is in DEEP Wahala, and he doesn’t know what to do..
He said.. “WE have been briefed”.. Who is “we”? The lawsuit is targeting Tapang Ivo specifically, (although it implicates the whole of the Ambazonia movement in the diaspora) – But he is saying “We” because he wants this to sound like a fight against the whole Ambazonia, so that he can get support from all Ambazonia activists to defend himself. That is the tactic he is using here. That is why he goes on to say.. “If La Rep dares a legal war on any Ambazonian”..
>> This lawsuit is not by LRC, and it is not against Ambazonia, It is against all those who incite Amba violence in Cameroon. The lawsuit is filed by Barrister Emmanuel Nsahlai – and the Plaintiffs are John Doe and Jane Doe, who are American citizens.

And just before midnight on that same Thursday 27 Dec 2018, Tapang Ivo Said.. “We will dialogue and negotiate in the presence of the UN”.. You can see how his tune is beginning to change.. Now he wants to dialogue..
But he continues.. Because by Friday 28th Dec, Tapang Ivo was in FULL Panic mode.. He posted on Facebook..
“TRULY, we will go nowhere without UNITY. I apologise to everyone. Let us keep away our egos, mend fences and UNITE!”

Few minutes later, he said..
“Let us learn, to love and tolerate everyone without backstabbing and spewing hate. UNITY gives hope and Victory”.
And on Saturday 29th Dec 2018 at 13:13, Spokesman Tapang said.. “Give me a chance to preach UNITY and APOLOGY on Facebook live”.. He later came on and gave an apology live on Facebook.

This same Tapang Ivo Tanku who said just a few days prior, that let the IG control Facebook, and the ADF will control Ground zero.. Now he is making apologies?
On Saturday 29 December, Tapang Ivo’s world began to unravel.. He put out this statement on Facebook, saying..
“Two days ago, I Ivo Tanku Tapang read with dismay and utter consternation, a suit against my person from the offices of barrister Emmanuel Nsahlai in California USA. The lawsuit accuses me of aiding and abetting in acts of terrorism that led to the deaths of John Doe and Jane Doe’s family members”..
He went on to say.. “I Tapang Ivo Tanku… and the ADF do not promote or endorse violence against civilians”
<< Click here to read the Full statement >> đź“„
And the Letter continues..
“I also plead with my fellow brother Barrister Nsahlai Emmanuel to open a peaceful channel for peace talks with me where I could extend my sincere condolences as a stateless citizen to the affected families that this law firm is representing. I hope somehow, this message could reach my senior brother Nsahlai Emmanuel. Let us give peace a chance.”
He concludes by included his email address, phone number and calls himself a stateless citizen on exile from LRC, his country of birth. He says he is a freedom fighter, and he’s in America as a student under the Fulbright scholarship.
So what does this mean? This is a man in FULL panic mode.. He is now calling the barrister and the Law firm.. Big brother, pleading to resolve this peacefully, he wants peace talks..
Let me tell you something, Ma Kontri PiPO Dem.. This is VERY serious. Tapang Ivo Tanku needs a lawyer to represent him in court. Lawyers are not cheap! And the lawsuit is in California – which means, Tapang has to travel.. Flying across the USA to attend several court hearings.. Which costs time and money. He hasn’t got that kind of time, or money because he is a student. This case can actually cost him his Fulbright scholarship.
You also have to understand that now he is implicated in the federal government for sponsoring acts of terror – which means he will be on the Terror watch list, and can mean he will not be allowed to work in certain places, he may never be cleared to take certain loans and credit cards – just to name but a few consequences that will follow him personally.
And that is why he is online, begging and literally preaching for unity with other factions of Ambazonia, because now Tapang is trying to say that this lawsuit is against Ambazonia, that all of Ambazonia need to come to his defence, because he hasn’t got the money to hire a lawyer to defend him.. And he needs a lawyer with experience in that specific field of RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) and anti-terrorism laws.
If Tapang Ivo wins this lawsuit, he may be bankrupted and probably lose his Fulbright scholarship, and the implications will live with him for decades. Once you have your name placed in the terror watch list by the FBI, it is very difficult to get your name out of that list.
Nelson Mandela was placed on the terror watch list by the FBI – and EVEN after he was released from prison in 1990, won the election in 1994 and became the President of South Africa, and became a global hero, an international icon, President Mandela still needed SPECIAL permission from the US state department just to get a visa to enter the US for the UN summits. It was not until July 2008 that President Mandela was removed from the Anti-Terror watch list.

After the Batibo incident on 15 Dec 2018, where ADF went and attacked ASC camp, killing the so called “Generals” Tiger and Biabia and several others.. This same Tapang came online and said.. “We finally got all of ADF general Ivo’s weapons, and I mean ALLLLL”..

He continued.. “Babies are crying because the ADF has taken their feeding bottles”.. He even called them GOATS.. But that was.. only 2 weeks ago..

And now.. Because of this lawsuit.. Tapang Ivo is desperately apologising and preaching for unity.. You know why?
He is in Trouble. BIG TROUBLE!
No matter the outcome of the lawsuit, this will keep Tapang Ivo busy. He will be running from state to state, will leave him less time to focus on inciting terrorism in Cameroon. He will be working double hard, begging, trying to raise money for his court case, the so called Ambazonians will be raising money to pay for lawyers, instead of buying guns to destabilise Cameroon.
This lawsuit is a big deal for Tapang Ivo personally – whether he wins it or loses it, it will have devastating consequences to him, and could destroy his life.
So take note.. Ayaba Cho Lucas, Eric Tataw, Mark Bareta, Ebenezwer Akwanga, John Mbah Akuru, Chris Anu, and even the village clown Franklin Verla.. 👆🏾 You are NEXT!
There are consequences, for inciting and sponsoring terrorism!
This lawsuit has the potential to bring down all those who are inciting terrorism in Cameroon, but hiding in the diaspora. These people thought they are safe because they are in the diaspora.
Tic.. Toc.. Tic.. Toc.. đź•’