Mr. Samuel Awoh is an #AmbazoniaTerrorist arrested in early 2020. He is currently locked up in Bamenda Prison. He was a worker with ELECAM in Bum Sub-division. He was one of the AmbaTerrorist kingpin in #Njinikom, #Boyo. He served as the “amba judge” in the Amba camps in Iso & Baichui in Njinikom.

In late Jan / early Feb 2020, he was arrested by security forces in Bamenda. On being apprehended he threw his phone in the bush but the military have retrieved the phone. He has given ALL the intel about amba activity in Njinikom, and all Cameroonian patriots in Kom are celebrating.

He was arrested at up station Bamenda when they were travelling to fundong to launch campaign for February 9 election and as an employee of ELECAM, he was part of the team that were tasked to bring election materials to the polling stations.

This ambaTerrorist, used his phone and was calling #SNWL “comander Kisito” in Iso camp to put a bomb in the road. He did not know that one of the military man in the convoy could understand the dialect from kom. This is when he was arrested.

He is the quarter Head of Yang in Njinikom. He is now enjoying Bamenda prison.

By KumKum Massa

Born and bred in Momo, NW Region of #Cameroon 🇨🇲.. Travelled the world. Victim of Ambazonia terrorism. Ambazonia Terrorism MUST be destroyed by ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

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