Notorious General Noel Muhammadu was eliminated this morning in Ntamru. Ntamru is near Ndu. Details later.

General Mohamadou from Ntamru Ndu neutralized this morning by local mbororo men after having stolen more than 500 cattles from them within a period of 6 months.

He was the most dangerous AMBA General still in circulation. He was more rampant in the Ndu area and Kumbo. Ironically, he was neutralized by civilians, by a Mbororo self-defense group. They did not need the army to defeat this terrorist and Grand Theft man.

Mohamadou was well know for his kidnapping of villagers, the amputations, the deaths and the burning of several public and private buildings.

He landed safely in Buea on board Amba airlines while Ayaba Cho is still on his bed tired from last might clubbing.

Facebook Live show yesterday Sat 04 May 2019 – Ambazonia IG Drama, was a great success. (watch it below..) I also have a proposal for “General” Nambere – My WhatsApp is +447495198739 – Contact me, and let’s chat.

By KumKum Massa

Born and bred in Momo, NW Region of #Cameroon 🇨🇲.. Travelled the world. Victim of Ambazonia terrorism. Ambazonia Terrorism MUST be destroyed by ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

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